The Retired Affiliate

Making Money with Write App Is as Easy as 1,2,3! Or Is It?

Mark Apletree

90 / 100

Okay, so you have landed here, and my guess is you are wondering if you can make money with Write App

If you’re someone who loves everything apps and have a love of writing, then Write App could be the money-making opportunity you have been looking for!

What Is Write App

Write App is a sophisticated platform that is a proven income generator and is something you can make money from anywhere in the world as long as you have a mobile phone or tablet and an internet connection.

Creating a Write App account is super easy and fast due to the dedicated support team.

Basically, Write App is a platform where registered members can pick and choose several apps to test and send in their thoughts in a report.

So, an example would be if you reviewed an app, you would then share this on the internet through a link to get more views from your visitors.

Once you have done that, and you have made sure that your review is detailed and useful you will get paid.

write app advertising banner get paid up to 25 dollars to test apps

The Write App platform has some great tools to ensure your success such as banner ads, and social network sharing abilities to ensure you make money from your first review, and every subsequent one after that.

One of the best things I have found with Write App is that they are always adding new apps to review, meaning the more apps you test the more money you can make.

An Overview of The Website
  • The website will find you ways to the hottest apps on the internet.
  • Creates ways of noticing trending apps.
  • Suggests when to bring the app onto the review market.
  • Simple and easy to use.

Write App Overview

  • Product Type: Make Money Online Reviewing Apps.
  • Website:
  • Product Owner: Not Known
  • Cost: $27 + Upsells
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 60 Days
  • Retired Affiliates Recommendation: No

Is Write App Legitimate?

Before I go into more detail regarding this, I would like you to know that I have tested this site and tend to agree with Trustpilot’s score of 2 ½ stars.

Write App Trust Pilot Score showing 2 1/2 stars

To be totally honest I am struggling to recommend this product, and in my opinion it is really only good for the creators of Write App who up until this day have decided to remain anonymous.

That immediately draws a red flag for me. I mean if this really was as good as its creators say it is wouldn’t you think they would be proud to put their name to it?

Now, I am not saying that Write App is an out and out scam, because in the short time I have been trialing it I have gotten some returns on my initial investment, but unless you have at least some experience with paid ads then this is definitely not going to work as advertised.

Write App is largely all about the upsells, and can give people the false impression that they can make a stack of money pretty quickly.

If this were really true don’t you think every man and his dog would be doing it?

To make Write App work you will need to know a little about writing reviews, apps, and paid advertising before even considering this platform.

A much better alternative to Write would be my number 1 recommendation which is a legitimate and tested step-by-step training program that has helped me earn a steady income online writing blogs and product reviews about products I really believe in and use.

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How Do You Get Paid for Writing an App Review?

Firstly, you will be required to download apps to your smartphone or tablet and then fully test all the features of that app.

Write App will then want you to write a short review of your user experience and also list any faults or problems with that app and give it your rating.

Write App say that you can earn anywhere from $25 – $35 per hour reviewing these apps, however as I said before if you have no experience with paid advertising you will be spending a lot of money with little to no return.

Write App steps guide on purple and pale blue background choose an app to test write about it and make money slogans

What Should I Write In an App Review?

A lot of people make the mistake of going all out on the visual elements of their app review thinking that this is the best way to promote the app, however don’t skip on the product description as this is what will eventually get you the sale!

With Write App it is usually the visual element and the first 5 lines that will be showing when someone clicks on you app review listing, and then if the visitor taps “Read More” that’s when the rest of your review will become visible, which is why those first 5 lines are so important.

While a large percentage of users wont bother to read through your entire review, those that do are the ones who are deciding whether they should invest their money into the app you are reviewing, and ultimately downloading it.

That is why your description is so important, because here is your chance to convince these readers why they should use this app.

OK, so what are some of the things that make up a good app description or review?

  1. Start off with a hook – Why should users want to use your app vs the other apps out there?
  2. After the hook, follow up with a short but detailed description, usually in 2 or 3 sentences telling people what your app does and the problems it can solve by using it.
  3. Add in sections that help users understand why they should be using this app such as, how to use it, awesome features, popular uses, what other people are saying, what makes this app so unique, and always have a frequently asked questions section.
  4. Always finish up including your support contact information, this way it makes users comfortable knowing that they have a support team they can reach out to if they ever run into any problems.

What Are Write App Ratings?

Simply put write app ratings according to Write App is a rating system that you give an app as part of your review.

Much like Trust Pilots rating system, Write App rate their apps on a star system whereas 1 star means stay well away from this app, and obviously 5 stars means if you don’t use this app then you must be crazy!

Whenever checking app ratings it is always a good rule to check multiple reviews to get a general average, as some reviewers are just in it for the commissions and as such will rate it highly just to get paid.

It is fairly easy to tell which ones they are as their product review description usually lacks any real knowledge about the app, and the writing skills is normally pretty sloppy.

Why Choose Write App

In the internet world there are literally 100’s of ways to make money online and Write App is just another branch.

You can make money by selling other peoples products (Both Physical and Digital), completing surveys for cash or trying your hand at freelancing.

Reviewing apps and products is one of the easiest ways to make money online.

If you don’t think Write App is for you then why not check out my #1 recommendation where you will get my 1 on 1 coaching that will help you go from $0 to earning $100’s per day writing blogs and product reviews, and never having to purchase any of the products you review!

What Are the Benefits of Write App

Once again I want to highlight that the benefits I am providing here are only really applicable if you have some idea on using paid advertising i.e. Google paid ads or Microsoft paid ads.

With that being said the following are some of the benefits of using Write App

  • The platform always aims to have some of the hottest and most popular apps on the market, available to their members daily.
  • It has an automatic review feature, meaning that the review format is already templated for you. All you have to do is write!
  • Every member who joins Write App will have a website created for them and will be automatically hosted on the site.
  • You get dedicated one on one support from a dedicated support group. (I think this is a little over stated, as many members say they get very little to no support)
  • You will get an unlimited number of apps to test and review. This is where you need to do your research as a lot of the apps in my opinion are a total waste of time.
  • It is really quick and super easy to set-up. Your site starts working pretty much straight away
write app advertising banner get paid up to 25 dollars to test apps

Can You Really Make Money with Write App

The short answer is yes you can, however as with any business there are no guarantees.

Remember earlier I said that once you have tested and reviewed the app you will need to get traffic to that review so as you can start earning money.

Now if you want to take the free traffic route you will have to publish reviews for specific keywords like “app name + review”

That sounds easy enough right? However if it is the free route you are taking I would estimate you will need to write somewhere in the vicinity of t least 75 – 100 app reviews before Google even looks at you. And that is only if you have chosen the best keywords that Google will take not of.

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Now here is where it becomes a little harder to make money with Write App, because they dont actually teach you anything about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), meaning that if you have no experience with SEO then it is extremely unlikely that you will ever be found by google.

SEO is a skill that takes time to master and requires a certain set of skills and knowledge. You are sadly mistaken if you think you can simply post a review and get instantly ranked in the SERP’s! (Search Engine Results Page)

Honestly if you lack SEO skills I would stay well clear of Write App, because this platform wont make you a cent if no one is checking out your reviews.

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Write App Cons & Complaints

Despite scoring a gravity score of 100.86 on ClickBank (The higher the score the more popular the product) it seems that there are a lot of complaints out there.

Clickbank page showing affiliate details including gravity score, initial $/conversion and recurring$/rebill numbers

One of the biggest cons/complaints I have found is in regards to the constant upsells. After paying the $27 for access to the members platform I was bombarded with so many upsells.

This may not be a deal breaker for some, especially if the upsells are good value and can help you reach your money goals faster. Unfortunately that’s not the case with Write App, and again it all boils down to no actual training on SEO. In other words no matter how many upsells they offer, if you don’t know SEO they are worthless!

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after doing Affiliate Marketing for sometime i have learned that online success does not come cheaply, easily or fast! It comes from consistent effort, day in day out, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort.

Another thing is as I mentioned before, no matter how much research I did on Write App I couldn’t find a single thing on the creators of this program.

I have been in this industry for awhile and whenever you cant find information on products or people it usually means a red flag!

If the Write App product was that good wouldn’t you want to put your name to it? Is the product really that bad?

I think the biggest warning sign for me during my test and research phase was that there is another very similar version that kind of flopped awhile back called App Coiner.

Now if you look at App Coiner the joining fee is exactly the same ($27) and besides a different name everything else is identical, including the extremely aggressive upsells.

To me that is very suspicious and almost makes me want to call SCAM!

Honestly, all of the above is entirely possible but I don’t have any real solid evidence to prove this, and realistically this is just my guess.

What is Good About Write App

It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t also highlight some good things about Write App would it?

Probably the best part, especially if you have no experience with website design is that they will get you a website that is ready for you to publish your reviews and drive traffic to them.

This is especially helpful if you’re not really a techy type.

Realistically a one time payment of $27 dollars upfront is less than I spend on coffee a week, and Is probably something most people can afford, especially if starting your own business is your dream.

Yes, there are a heap of upsells which will hit you almost as soon as you sign up, but remember these are optional, and In the 3 weeks I trialed this platform I found no real benefit in taking these, and you may not either.

You also get a 60-Day Money-Back guarantee, and since Write App is sold through ClickBank, who are a reputable affiliate marketplace, you don’t need to worry about not getting that money back if you feel the program isn’t working for you.

And The Verdict is Out On Write App

After a huge amount of research and testing this out over the past few weeks I would really struggle to recommend this to newbie affiliate marketers with zero SEO skills.

The lack of transparency when it comes to highlighting that you need traffic for this to pay annoyed the hell out of me, and to make things even more shady, they don’t even teach you how this is done.

If you don’t get traffic you don’t make moolah!

It really is a carbon copy of the failed App Coiner, and as I mentioned before I have a gut feeling that is because it is the same people running this program just with a different name?

I would find it really hard to recommend this program as there are a lot of better alternatives out there.

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