The Retired Affiliate

The Genuine Truth About Wealthy Affiliates – 22 Affiliate Marketing Questions Answered

Mark Apletree

95 / 100

Are you thinking of getting into Affiliate Marketing?

As you have probably seen there is so much information online these days, but what can you believe and what is a total bending of the truth?

In this article “The Genuine Truth About Wealthy Affiliates – 30 Affiliate Marketing Questions Answered”, we will try to help you avoid the scams, let you know who is good, and answer the questions that everyone seems to want to know the answers for.

Table of Contents

1. Why Do Most People Fail Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular ways to make money online. And while it can be a great way to earn an income, the vast majority of people who try their hand at it fail.

There are a number of reasons why affiliate marketing fails for so many people. But, ultimately, it comes down to two things: a lack of understanding and a lack of commitment.

Many people who get into affiliate marketing do so without really understanding what it is or how it works. They see affiliates making money and think it looks easy. So, they give it a shot without bothering to learn the ropes first.

As a result, they quickly become frustrated when they don’t see any results. They don’t realize that affiliate marketing is a long-term game and that it takes time, effort and dedication to succeed.

Others get into affiliate marketing with a clear understanding of how it works but lack the commitment to stick with it. Affiliate marketing requires consistent work and effort over time to build up a following and generate sales.

Most people are not willing to put in the necessary work and give up before they see any results.

If you want to be successful at affiliate marketing, you need to have a good understanding of how it works and be willing to commit the time and effort required to make it work for you. Otherwise, you’ll likely end up like most people who fail at it.

2. Is Affiliate Marketing a Full Time Job?

When you first start out it definitely is, however once you establish yourself, you can easily make Affiliate Marketing a passive form of income. It all depends on the niche you are in, and how much time and effort you are willing to put in initially. For some people it may take longer than others to start seeing results, but if you stick with it, Affiliate Marketing can be very rewarding.

There are many successful affiliate marketers who make a full-time income from their businesses, and there are even some who have been able to quit their day jobs and work solely on their affiliate marketing ventures. So whether or not Affiliate Marketing can be a full-time job really comes down to the individual and how determined they are to make it work for them.

If you’re thinking about giving Affiliate Marketing a try, or are already an Affiliate Marketer, then the best thing you can do is just get started and see how it goes. You may be surprised at how much money you can make and how quickly you can start seeing results. Who knows, you may even be able to quit your day job sooner than you thought!

3. Is Wealthy Affiliates Legit?

Wealthy Affiliates is probably one of the most legitimate and affordable Affiliate Marketing programs available today. Starting at only $49/month, you get access to a lot of training, tools and resources that will help you succeed in Affiliate Marketing.

One of the things that makes Wealthy Affiliates Legit is the fact that it has been around for a while (since 2005). It has helped thousands of people build successful online businesses and it can help you too!

Additionally, Wealthy Affiliates is an all-inclusive platform, which means that you have everything you need to be successful in one place. You don’t need to worry about piecing together different programs or trying to figure out which tool is best for you. Everything is laid out clearly and simply so you can get started right away.

Finally, the community at Wealthy Affiliates is 2nd to none. There are always people around to help answer your questions and give you the support you need to succeed.

So if you’re looking for a legitimate Affiliate Marketing program that will help you build a successful online business, then Wealthy Affiliates is definitely worth checking out!

4. How Do You Make Money With Wealthy Affiliates?

Wealthy Affiliate is like any other business, in that you need to put in the work to make money. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, but it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. You need to be willing to put in the time and effort to generate results.

The good news is that Wealthy Affiliate can help you get started on the right path with their training, tools, and resources. Affiliate marketing is a great opportunity to earn a full-time income online, and Wealthy Affiliate can help you achieve your goals.

If you’re looking for a way to make money online, Affiliate Marketing is a great option. Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing model, which means you only get paid when someone takes an action, such as clicking on a link or making a purchase.

With Affiliate Marketing, you can earn a commission on every sale you refer. The more sales you generate, the more money you can make. It’s a great way to earn extra income, and it’s also a great way to build a passive income stream.

Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect platform for Affiliate Marketers of all levels, from beginners to experts. They offer all the training, tools, and resources you need to get started and be successful in Affiliate Marketing.

If you’re ready to start earning money with Affiliate Marketing, sign up for Wealthy Affiliate today!

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This Video training has one simple goal… to help yOU understand the process of making money online, and its simpler than you think!

5. Is Wealthy Affiliate A Pyramid Scheme?

Wealthy Affiliate is most definitely not a pyramid scheme. Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make money online, and Wealthy Affiliate is a great resource to help you get started with affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you promote products or services on your website or blog, and when someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

It’s a simple way to make money online, and it can be very profitable if you know how to do it right. Affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it can be a great way to supplement your income or even replace your full-time income if you’re dedicated and successful at it.

If you’re looking for a way to make money online, Wealthy Affiliate is a great option. You can learn more about Wealthy Affiliate and affiliate marketing in general by reading our guide Are You Working Your Butt Off and Not Seeing the Lifestyle You Want? 

6. How Do I Start Affiliate Marketing As A Beginner?

Did you know that he Affiliate marketing industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry?

The Affiliate Marketing industry is fast becoming a common way for bis businesses to market their products and services.

OK, so how to start Affiliate Marketing as a complete beginner will look something like the following.

  1. Decide on a Niche
  2. Choose Your Platform (To build a website)
  3. Find relevant affiliate marketing programs.
  4. Create a website full of valuable content.
  5. Start to build an audience.
  6. Make sure to follow all guidelines and regulations applicable to Affiliate marketing and your country.

You will need to write about things that will create real value for your visitors and help them o make the right choices through informed decisions that you have given them.

our top pick as the number 1 Affiliate Marketing Community.
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Are you a complete beginner? are you fed up with all of the get-rich-quick scams? why not take wealthy affiliates for a test drive today! wealthy affiliate is the simplest fail proof way to start your money making website!

You should never try and sell just anything to your website visitors just so as you can make a quick buck.

The more your website visitors feel the genuine interest shown by you, the more that they will trust you.

7. Do Affiliate Marketers Make Money?

I do, and so can you!

Affiliate Marketing has allowed me to leave my 6-figure salary in the mining industry to become a full-time Affiliate Marketer.

What you must be prepared to do is invest time and lots of it if you really want to generate a substantial income

Once you have created your website, written some content that has some real value to your audience, and partnered with some good reliable companies to get your Affiliate links you can definitely start to generate steady pay checks every month!

According to Statista spending in the US alone on Affiliate Marketing was predicted to hit $8.2 Billion this year (2022).

If you look back to 2017 where that figure was $5.4 Billion and 2010 where it was $1.6 Billion you can see that it continues to grow.

These are just some of our successful members here at Wealthy Affiliate who have been happy enough to shar what they are earning from Affiliate Marketing.

WA Success Stories - Affiliate Marketing

Just imagine what some of these members are earning today!

8. What is An Example of Affiliate Marketing?

One of the biggest and best examples of Affiliate marketing would have to be Amazon.

An Amazon Affiliate website makes you money through commissions from their affiliate program.

Amazon Associates Affiliate Page

Put simply, you as the affiliate marketer would go to Amazon and find a product that you would like to promote, preferably something you know a little about and enjoy.

You then write your blog/article/review and promote this product, and anyone that then buys from your affiliate link will earn you a profit from every sale you make.

Besides Amazon there are many other examples of affiliate marketing programs, and I have listed a few below that I personally work with:

  • Amazon
  • Skillshare
  • Powerhouse Affiliates
  • Partner With Anthony
  • Aweber
  • Rank Math
  • GetResponse
  • Bluehost
  • Wealthy Affiliate

These are just a few of the many thousand examples of affiliate marketing programs available

9. Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money?

As a fulltime blogger and affiliate marketer I need to tell you that Affiliate Marketing, especially as a newbie just starting out with either zero or very little start-up money will take some long-term thinking.

The short answer to this question would be yes. You can definitely start affiliate marketing with no money (Or as I did with less than $100) however if you are going down this route you need to understand that it will take a lot of time and energy before you start to see any kind of ROI (Return of Investment)

What you will need to do first, and this should be your number 1 priority before anything else is to have a blog and website up and running.

Work With Mark
5 ways to make money online - mark - The Retired Affiliate

after doing Affiliate Marketing for sometime i have learned that online success does not come cheaply, easily or fast! It comes from consistent effort, day in day out, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort.

Once you have this there are a few other things that you can do on your shoe-string budget (Or $0 Budget) to start generating an income, and the 3 I started when money was tight for me in the beginning are.

  1. Create a Social Media Presence
  2. Leverage Facebook
  3. Leverage YouTube
  4. Get Active on Pinterest
  5. Create a Quora Profile.

All of this so far should have cost you nothing, especially if you take advantage of Wealthy Affiliates free website builder and hosting offer.

So, to answer your question “Can You Start Affiliate Marketing with No Money” … The answer is definitely a BIG Yes! It will just take some time, patience, self-motivation, and a lot of determination. It is never too late to start!

10. Is Wealthy Affiliate Worth It?

Wealthy Affiliate is an Affiliate Marketing training program that has been around since 2005. Affiliate Marketing is a type of marketing where you promote other people’s products and earn a commission on each sale that you make.

So, is the Wealthy Affiliate worth it? I would say yes, it is definitely worth it. The training at Wealthy Affiliate is top notch and the community is very supportive. If you are serious about making money with Affiliate Marketing, then I would highly recommend joining Wealthy Affiliate.

11. Do I Need a Website to be an Affiliate Marketer?

I have been in the Affiliate marketing industry for some time now, and one of the common questions I always get asked by people thinking about starting Affiliate marketing is “Do I Need a Website to be an Affiliate Marketer”?

I think this question always pops up because people may be really interested in the money-making potential of an affiliate marketer but get really scared when they think of web designing and computer coding.

Building a website these days is the easy part, the hard part is making that website profitable!

You can actually build an awesome looking website without any code in a matter of minutes and have it looking amazing in just a few hours.

For me personally I have always used my blogs in conjunction with my websites as the main driver of my Affiliate Marketing business and will always recommend having a website if you are going to be doing Affiliate Marketing.

But technically you don’t have to have a website for Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing has been around a whole lot longer than the internet, through classified ads and special phone numbers that were used to track leads etc, and this is just one example.

So, the answer to do I need a website to be an affiliate marketer is?

There are plenty of other options available as an affiliate marketer, from your social media presence, Microsoft Ads, eBooks, and the good old traditional ads, there are so many places you can place your affiliate links to promote products online other than just your website.

If you are seriously thinking about starting affiliate marketing, I highly recommend working with one of the groups I have partnered with, Wealthy Affiliate. Here you will get a free Site Rubix website and all the training and resources you will need to get an awesome looking website up and running right away.

Learn Everything You Need To Know About Paid Advertising Without Breaking The Bank.
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Never tried paid ads? have a limited budget but want results? wealthy affiliates paid ads training is the simplest fail proof way to start your money making ads & we will even throw in a free website & hosting with the deal!

12. How Do I Start An Affiliate Marketing Blog?

So, you have decided you want to start blogging as part of your affiliate marketing plan – GREAT DECISION!

Writing a blog that you can use as part of your affiliate marketing strategy is in my opinion one of the easiest and fastest ways to start making money from home, and the best part is you don’t need to have any experience to do this!

I remember when I first started thinking about Affiliate Marketing I always though that blogging was simply a way to tell people on the internet about your hobbies and thoughts and maybe find a few friends along the way.

WOW, how wrong was I, these days it is fast becoming the way to set up a money-making business from the comfort of your own home, without being an expert in business or having to buy any stock!

All you need to do is promote products and services through your writing and the placement of your affiliate links.

You can easily make money from your writing this way, and all you need is a little effort and a ton of passion and determination to succeed!

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My success wasn’t a walk in the park! it took a lot of hard work and dedication. I failed a few times but never gave up. once you have mastered how to grow your YouTube Channel that’s when the $$$ start coming in! Check out this article on how to grow your youTube channel in 2022.

“how to grow your youTube channel in 2022”

That may sound a little challenging, however if you are someone who enjoys researching the internet, like writing and loves the idea of making money from home the blogging and affiliate marketing is definitely for you.

If this, is you then below are the 5 Steps you will need to take next.

  1. Define your blog niche and your target audience.
  2. Choose a blogging platform and your domain name. (Always try and get a DotCom domain if possible)
  3. Your blog design and structure.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to give your blog the best chance of being found by Google and the other search engines.
  5. Creating good blog content.

13. Which Platform is Best For Affiliate Marketing?

Let me tell you from my experience, affiliate marketing is one of the most rewarding and lucrative ways to make money.

But, with that said creating a successful blog, website and affiliate marketing strategy takes work and a lot of time and dedication. Affiliate Marketing is NOT a get rich quick scheme, actually there is no such thing!

To become successful, you need to find some good reliable affiliate marketing platforms to help kickstart and grow your affiliate marketing ideas.

It doesn’t matter whether you want to promote digital products or physical products, big brands, or small ones, you need to find an affiliate platform that is reliable and has a large range of businesses and products to promote.

I have listed 10 programs that I am part of and have been for a long time, because I know I can rely on the merchants they allow on their platform, and that my website visitors that end up purchasing the product will be happy with the service and delivery they receive from these merchants.

Below Is the list I highly recommend if you are looking for the best affiliate platforms.

  • Clickbank
  • ShareASale
  • Amazon Associates
  • CJ Affiliate
  • Refervision
  • Post Affiliate Pro
  • Tapfiliate
  • Partnerstack
  • Referal Rock
  • FlexOffers

When you are looking at platforms for affiliate marketing you should always look for a dashboard that gives you a detailed overview of all your campaign stats, earnings and it progress.

The best platforms for affiliate marketing will cover things like onboarding, sales reporting, referral management, site traffic optimization, clicks, and will always pay you your commissions on time.

14. How Much Does It Cost to Become an Affiliate Marketer?

Let’s say that you are sick and tired of the 9 -5 grind and want to find a flexible and exciting way to earn some really good money & finally become your own boss!

I remember back when I first got started with affiliate marketing and thinking this will probably only ever be a side hustle or a little extra money on top of my regular work.

I left my 6-figure job within the mining industry, and affiliate marketing is now my fulltime work from home (Or anywhere else I like) job.

I want to start by saying you will need to invest a lot of time, and eventually some money to learn and test the available programs, products, and training resources available.

Affiliate Links With Zero Traffic Wont Earn You Nothing!

See how myself and other Affiliate Marketers are cashing in with simple easy to use affiliate websites using my #1 recommended affiliate training… It includes step-by-step lessons and tutorials, live help, tech support and heaps more!


But how much money do you need to spend before seeing some success? And what would you recommend as a good starting budget?

To start affiliate marketing the right way you need to know what to do and how much it actually costs to start seeing the results.

In the breakdown below I will show you what the average newbie could expect to spend when starting out with Wealthy Affiliate, the biggest & most popular affiliate marketing program for both beginners and advanced marketers.

Wealthy Affiliate Membership – Free for The First 7 Days, $19 For the First Month, and then $49 per month.

Training – Free with a Wealthy Affiliate Membership.

Website Design and Set-Up – Free with a Wealthy Affiliate Membership.

Website Hosting – Free with a Wealthy Affiliate Membership, or anywhere from $2 – $15 per month with the various other hosting platforms available.

Paid Advertising – This will all depend on your level of knowledge in regard to PPC (Pay Per Click Advertising) I average about $250 per month, but my ROI far exceeds this.

Free Advertising – This cost you nothing. Some of the free advertising methods that I use are Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Quora Space, and social media groups and pages.

Total Cost Per Year for Me – $3490.00 which includes my monthly paid advertising budget.

If you are a complete newbie and funds are tight you could take away the paid ads budget and it would cost you roughly $490 per year with Wealthy Affiliate.

If you are paying more than $500 per year to become an affiliate marketer, then you need to take a look at what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer.

You can also take the free route using resources like blogs and websites similar to ours here at The Retired Affiliates, Google search, YouTube videos, and forums, however this will take you a lot longer.

The point here is that there is a lot you can learn for free.

15. How Do I Join Affiliate Marketing Networks?

Joining affiliate marketing networks is the easy part, the hard part is deciding on the best ones to join, which I covered earlier in this article.

Below are the steps you will need to do to join an affiliate marketing network.

  1. Find a platform that you trust, and who offers a range of different merchants.
  2. Apply to merchants that are applicable to your niche.
  3. Create great content.

Affiliate networks will usually require you to have content on your website before accepting your application. I usually advise people to have at least 15 – 20 good articles/blogs on their website before applying to any platforms or merchants.

Your blogs/articles/reviews should be at least 1500 words and be relevant to your topic.

Remember these merchants are looking for partners who are getting traffic to their website, and without content you won’t get traffic.

So, once you have the content, are starting to get traffic, you simply find the merchants you would like to work with and go through their application process

In the application they will usually ask you your websites domain name i.e.,, how you are going to promote them (website, social media, paid ads, email marketing etc) current monthly site visitors, and the age of your website.

When applying NEVER inflate or make up your answers, as these merchants will know, and you will never be accepted again. Tell the true facts and you more than likely will be accepted or asked to reapply when you have met the required metrics of that merchant.

Amazon is probably the easiest to start with as their acceptance criteria is less stringent that some others.

16. How Do I Become an Affiliate Free?

Affiliate networks are always free to join, and if they are asking you to pay to join then I would be vary wary. In fact, I wouldn’t even look at them!

You can create free accounts on Wealthy Affiliate, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and start joining affiliate networks for free and easy access to literally 1000s of reputable affiliate programs straight away.

  1. Decide on a platform.
  2. Pick your niche.
  3. Look for affiliate programs (FREE) to join.
  4. Create awesome content.
  5. Get traffic to your site of choice (Facebook, website etc.)
  6. Pick your marketing methods.
  7. Analyse your competition.

Remember, becoming an affiliate marketer is free, how good you want to be at it is where you will need to decide on how much you are willing to invest in your business!

17. What Is the Role of an Affiliate?

Simply put, the role of an affiliate is to promote someone else’s products in return for a commission.

The best part about being an affiliate is that there are no limits on the number of products that you can promote and earn money from!

Your role is to generate revenue and brand awareness for the product you are promoting, and by doing this you are advertising at a much lower cost than that business would see using traditional advertising methods.

It is also up to you as an affiliate to drive interest and engagement for the company’s products you are promoting through your chosen method of attracting visitors.

Basically, you are the link between a customer and a brand, connecting the two in a way that has been set out by the company.

An affiliate marketer helps direct customers from point A to point B, and how you go about this is entirely up to you, however I would highly recommend a website if you were serious about affiliate marketing.

related article at theRetiredAffiliates.Com

Check a recent 3 minute video on building your free website with wealthy affiliate.

18. What is the Top Affiliate Category?

I have always said the best affiliate category is one you are either passionate about or willing to spend time researching.

Whatever category you choose you will need to write a ton of content about which is why I always say go with your passion.

With that being said, in my opinion the 3 top affiliate categories for 2022 are.

  1. Hobby Category – Travel, Lose Weight, Photography, Sports Betting, Gardening Products, Gaming Products.
  2. Money Category – Affiliate Marketing, Bitcoin, MMO, Real Estate Products, Financial Products
  3. Health & Fitness Category – Weight-loss, Fitness, Supplements, Nutrition, Clothing.

These are categories, as a successful affiliate marketer you need to find niches withing these categories which I will touch on later.

19. Is Being an Affiliate Worth It?

For me personally, HELL YEAH!

Being an affiliate has taken me from hot and dirty 13 hour shifts in the mining industry to a successful and thriving online business owner in a few short years.

Before affiliate marketing v today doing affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing has given me more time, money, and freedom to really enjoy my family and the things we like to do.

I now get to work where I want and when I want, however that has taken me time a dedication to this business.

Don’t believe any of these so called “Internet Gurus” who tell you that you can have this instantly if you join their program, trust me it isn’t possible!

I said earlier that I highly recommend starting your affiliate journey with a niche you are passionate about, but it is also very important to pay attention to products that are in demand, especially if you are looking to make this a fulltime income.

You will find a lot of people on the internet saying that affiliate marketing is dead (Usually because they have other products/ideas they are trying to promote) but I can tell you from experience that this is as far from the truth as you could ever get.

If you are someone who is looking for any of the below the being an affiliate is DEFINITELY NOT WORTH IT for you.

  • You want immediate results and start earning money from day 1. Again, trust me this isn’t possible!
  • If you are someone who is looking for a quick way to get rich, or a fast track to wealth. (Check out our article on “The Difference Between Riches & Wealth”)
  • You want to copy and paste what everyone else is doing.
  • You can’t be bothered putting in the time and effort it takes to become a successful affiliate marketer.

Affiliate Marketing is not a “Get Rich Quick” scheme, remember THEY DON’T EXIST!

20. Is Affiliate Marketing Profitable in 2022 & Beyond?

I did briefly cover this earlier, and again I want to reiterate that I make a decent living from some of my affiliate marketing websites, however others have been a complete failure.

As long as there are products to sell and consumers willing to buy, then yes affiliate marketing is profitable in 2022, and I can guarantee will still be profitable way beyond my lifetime.

Affiliate marketing is a growing industry (remember the statista stats from earlier) and currently is responsible for about 65 – 75% of all online sales.

With its extremely low entry costs (Free depending on what path you have decided on) and a potentially high ROI (Return of Investment) affiliate marketing remains one of the most popular revenue streams for anyone looking to start their own work from home business.

In 2022 and beyond affiliate marketing will continue to grow and be on of the most effective ways to make money online.


21. Which Niche is Best for Affiliate Marketing?

The greatest thing I have found with affiliate marketing is that it can be a very low cost to enter the business and can potentially yield a very lucrative ROI.

Choosing the right profitable niche is one of the biggest decisions you will make as an affiliate marketer.

Choose the wrong niche and you will be creating content forever and seeing no real returns. Choose the right niche and you may just hit a gold mine!

In a recent article I wrote, I gave the 10 most profitable niches in 2022 (All of which I am currently in).

You always need to keep in mind that the ultimate objective of an affiliate marketer is to make consumers want to purchase products and know what are the most profitable niches.

22. How Do I find a Niche?

As an affiliate marketer finding a niche is about as important as remembering to take your snowboard on a visit to the alps! If you, don’t you won’t get very far!

Snowboarder blasting over a ridge in a field of fresh powder snow.

Firstly, you will want to really evaluate your skills and passions.

Now I know that sounds really basic but trust me this will make a huge difference. I have seen so many people choose a niche because they are kind of interested in it, but you need to really search for something that you can visualise yourself being passionate about and promoting for the next 3 – 5 years.

Try to find something you both love and know a fair bit about or would love to research about.

You also need to make sure that there is a market out there for your niche.

Just having a passion or knowledge about a niche isn’t enough (God, I wish It Was) you also need to make sure that there is an interest and a need, otherwise you will simply be writing as a hobby and never growing into a money earning business.

The best way to start figuring out the market for your niche is to use a keyword planner, which will give you things like Search Volume, Competition, and Suggested Bid (For paid ads).

Next you will need to narrow down your niche.

For instance, you may have found that Golf is a popular niche, but what you really want to do is narrow this broad niche down into a narrower niche.

Some examples of that could be:

  • Golf Gloves
  • Golf Club Covers
  • Coloured Golf Balls
  • Golf Tees

Doing this you will now have people coming to your website who have searched in exactly what they are looking to buy.

Always check the competition within your chosen niche.

To do this simply type in the keywords you have found to check which sites appear on page one.

You will either find a heap of well-known websites already ranking for those keywords (Stay Away), or no sites ranking for those keywords (AVOID), or what I always try to look for, forum sites (Quora, Reddit etc.) or lower quality websites.

Forums and lower quality sites are normally a really good indication that the niche you have chosen is worth going for, and your competition won’t be that great.

23. Is Affiliate Marketing Too Saturated?

DEFINITELY NOT! Affiliate marketing isn’t even close to saturation, and I don’t think it ever will be.

If you look at the number of affiliate marketers in 2022, the numbers are actually down from the numbers in 2011.

This is mainly due to a search algorithm update Google did back in 2011, where they gutted low quality affiliate marketers and spammy websites.

The latest statistics show that affiliate marketing is actually growing at a rate of over 200%, meaning that there is plenty of room for you to get started.

24. What is the Success Rate of Affiliate Marketers?

1% – 5% – These figures are scary, but definitely shouldn’t put you off, as these are measured more on what the industry calls Super Affiliates, who generate a significant income from promoting affiliate programs.

Remember your success is measured on the goals you set for yourself.

Sure, an extra 250 – 500K +++ a year would be awesome, however making an extra 20 – 30K +++ a year for most people also would be a success, right? I know it was for me when I first got started!

It is also worth noting that Fetch Profits believe more than 80% of affiliate marketers reckon that their affiliate marketing revenue will increase!

I will finish this question with an answer I have always believed to be true…

For people who take action and are willing to put in some time and effort, GREAT!

For searchers of get Rich Quick Schemes, lazy, spectators, and dreamers the percentage is a BIG FAT 0!!

25. Which is Better Affiliate Marketing or Dropshipping?

If you are looking to make money online then both these methods can be extremely rewarding and very lucrative.

As a digital nomad I have done both, and as far as ease of setting up, removal of logistical headaches, and no customer service I would always recommend Affiliate Marketing, especially if you are new to the online business world, and/or your budget is limited.

With Dropshipping you are actually selling the product from your website, so you are responsible for the delivery, customer service, returns, refunds, complaints, and the list goes on.

With Affiliate Marketing, your visitor/customer is taken to another ecommerce website through your affiliate link. This way that ecommerce business handles everything.

Dropshipping Pros:

Low risk, you only pay for the product once the order has been placed.

Low start-up cost – You only need a website.

You get to set the price of the product.

Profit margins are higher than those made with affiliate marketing.

Huge range of products to offer customers.

Dropshipping Cons:

You need to handle everything from customer service, delivery, returns, refunds, complaints etc.

No control over the quality or packaging of the product.

The dropshipping market is becoming very saturated.

Affiliate Marketing Pros:

So easy to get started.

Very low start-up costs, all you need is a blog, and you are ready to start.

No customer support or any of the other headaches associated with dropshipping – The merchant takes care of all that.

It will eventually become an awesome source of passive income.

Affiliate Marketing Cons:

A lot of companies pay low commissions – Amazon Associates are some of the lowest commissions in the industry.

Some niches have a lot of highly competitive competition – Do your research here!

You are sending people away from your website.

26. What Product Makes the Most Money

Pure VPN is a provider that has over 3 million users and are currently one of the highest paying affiliate programs out there.

Pure VPN currently pays their affiliates a commission of between 40% – 100% on every referred sale!

Purple background with white writing saying 82% off for pure VPN

Here are some other great reasons why you should become a VPN Affiliate partner.

  • Generous Rewards – The better you perform with VPN the better the rewards they give you.
  • Super-Fast Payouts – You don’t wait for days or even weeks for your payment.
  • Two-Tier Earnings – You can setup revenue streams by referring more affiliates to join their affiliate program.
  • Dedicated Managers – You will have a dedicated manager who will get you some great deals and coupons for better conversions.

27. How Many Affiliate Programs Can I Join?

There really is no set rule on this one which is why coming up with a definitive answer is hard.

I run multiple affiliate marketing websites and on some of those sites I am only promoting the one affiliate program because it has all the products I need.

On my affiliate marketing website, TheRetiredAffiliates.Com I promote multiple affiliate programs and networks.

Remember, to become a successful affiliate marketer the key is to create content (And a lot of it), and that requires a huge amount of time and effort.

Really the sweet spot when it comes to earning potential is to join as many programs as you can promote and not reduce your productivity.

If you are a complete newbie to all this, I would highly recommend starting off small. This is the best way to start building relationships with your affiliate partners.

28. Who Is The Number 1 Affiliate In The World?

Without a doubt this would have to be Robby Blanchard.

Robby is currently featuring a $26 Million dollar case study that is asking others if they would like to know they keys to making an amazing income online.

Commission Hero by Robby Blanchard (The Number 1 ClickBank Affiliate In The World) is an awesome oney making affiliate marketing system that can help both new and experienced affiliate marketers grow their business.

As I mentioned there is a $26 Million Dollar case study which teaches you how to run ads on YouTube, Facebook, and native ads, together with some really great tools and software that have generated some amazing incomes already.

But does it really work, or is it just another hyped up hot air non effective program?

related article at theRetiredAffiliates.Com
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29. What Skills Are Needed For Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, but it’s not easy. There are a lot of skills that you need to learn in order to be successful. Here are some of the most important skills that you need to master:

  1. Finding The Right Products To Promote – This is probably the most important skill that you need to learn. You need to be able to find products that are popular and in demand. There are a lot of places that you can find this information, but the best place to start is with affiliate networks like Clickbank and ShareASale.
  2. Creating Compelling Content – Once you’ve found the right products to promote, you need to create content that will convince people to buy them. This is where your writing skills will come in handy. You need to be able to create compelling sales copy and product reviews.
  3. Building An Audience – In order to make money with affiliate marketing, you need to build an audience. There are a lot of ways to do this, but the best way is to start a blog and generate traffic through SEO and social media.
  4. Generating Traffic – This is one of the most important skills that you need to learn. You need to be able to generate a lot of targeted traffic to your blog or website. There are a lot of ways to do this, but the best way is through SEO and social media.
  5. Converting Visitors Into Buyers – Once you have a lot of traffic, you need to be able to convert it into sales. This is where your sales skills will come in handy. You need to be able to convince people to buy the products that you’re promoting.

These are just some of the skills that you need to learn in order to be successful with affiliate marketing. If you can master these skills, you’ll be well on your way to making a lot of money online.

30. Boost Your Affiliate Earnings

These 30 things you should know about affiliate marketing affiliate is just the beginning of what’s possible. There are so many ways to earn affiliate commissions with your website, including product reviews, top 10 lists, how-to guides, and more

It is all great having a website and joining affiliate marketing programs and networks, but how do you make sure you affiliate links get clicked and you start earning money?

I have used the affiliate training here to turn my website into an income generator in less than 1 year.

Let’s Build a business together, not just a small change side job!

Affiliate Marketing FAQ’s

How Do I Start Affiliate Marketing As A Beginner?

Decide on a Niche
Choose Your Platform (To build a website)
Find relevant affiliate marketing programs.
Create a website full of valuable content.
Start to build an audience.
Make sure to follow all guidelines and regulations applicable to Affiliate marketing and your country.

Do Affiliate Marketers Make Money?

What you must be prepared to do is invest time and lots of it if you really want to generate a substantial income.
Once you have created your website, written some content that has some real value to your audience, and partnered with some good reliable companies to get your Affiliate links you can definitely start to generate steady pay checks every month!

How Do I Join Affiliate Marketing Networks?

1. Find a platform that you trust, and who offers a range of different merchants.
2. Apply to merchants that are applicable to your niche.
3. Create great content.
Affiliate networks will usually require you to have content on your website before accepting your application. I usually advise people to have at least 15 – 20 good articles/blogs on their website before applying to any platforms or merchants.

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Mark CEO & Founder
The Retired Affiliates

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