The Retired Affiliate

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: How to Make Money Publishing eBooks

Mark Apletree

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
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Do you think of self-publishing your book on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing? Amazon’s self-publishing platform is responsible for around 80% of the US eBook market. Book publishing is an affordable business model that’s easy to learn. You can create an account in less than 24 hours, upload your book, and it will be available for sale on Amazon’s marketplace.

Publishing books on Amazon is an excellent way to make money online. This piece will show you how to make money publishing books.

Are you interested in how to make $10k per month passively with book publishing? Follow me as I show you how to get started.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Amazon is a search engine. And search engines allow people to type keywords to find products and books. There is one significant difference between and Google. People go to Google to find free information, but Amazon users purchase products.

You can compile all your blog content into a series of eBooks and publish them on Amazon. It’ll be much easier to rank books on Amazon than on Google. Surprisingly, you could start making money immediately.

You can hire ghostwriters through to help you publish your books and increase your business’s scale. can also provide you with designers to help you create your book covers. Your goal could be to learn and experiment in many niches during this process.

Amazon’s popularity has increased over the years. More people than ever before now use the publishing platform. Amazon has the potential to make you more money.

It is now more competitive because there are more book publishers. Amazon’s platform has improved over the years. They have many more tools and analytics that can help you succeed.

Let me share some strategies to make money publishing books on Amazon. Let’s get started!

Strategy #1 – Use Your Book to Generate Leads on the Backend

Your book can generate leads if you don’t care about the revenue generated from the book. You can promote the product or service you want by creating a call-to-action in your book.

A book can be an in-depth resource that helps people build relationships. A percentage of customers may buy your book if your content is valuable.

You can end your book with a call-to-action that directs people to your website, where they can purchase your book or course. In your book, you can also share links to affiliate resources.

You want as many people to purchase and read your book as possible to acquire customers. A book can help you build your reputation and brand.

Strategy #2 – Start a Book Publishing Business

This strategy allows you to publish books in a specific niche or multiple niches. Your goal is to earn passive income through your books. You can also write books if you enjoy writing.

Writing a book by yourself will limit the number of books you can publish since everything is dependent on your efforts. You can, however, focus solely on marketing and publishing your books. You own 100% of your rights if you hire a ghostwriter.

You can publish your books under any name you like. Scaling in a business means that you want to work ON the business, not IN it. This is my view of how to work smart.

Amazon Book Store Front

The market for Kindle books is growing. Many people prefer eBooks to paperback books. Despite this, paperback and hardcover books still dominate the market. Audio Books are also growing in popularity, particularly with the advent of podcasting.

Remember that each platform will pay you differently. Paperback books are the best way to make money. You can charge between $20 and $30. You can charge as little as $2.99 for Kindle books and as much as $9.99.

Publishing all three – Kindle eBook, audio book, and paperback – is something you should consider.

You might be able to make a few hundred dollars or more per month by selling many books on Amazon. Publishing books is not a way to earn a full-time living. It can still be life-changing to have an extra income stream.

How to Make Money with Amazon KDP

Here’s how to make money with Amazon KDP:

1. Create an Eye-Catching Title and Cover

Even though you can write a fantastic book in a niche, if your title or cover aren’t appealing to people, they won’t click through to your Amazon listing. Your Amazon listing acts as an advertisement.

People make a huge mistake when they don’t test the title and cover. To find the best cover, you can make three covers. The same goes for the book title as well as the price. It is essential to test, track, and optimize continuously.

2. Identify Your Niche

You must research the market to ensure that your book is in high demand. You should also look at other books and check their Amazon Best Seller Ranking. This will allow you to determine their earnings.

You won’t make any money if you publish a book that no one searches for on Amazon. KDSPY, a keyword research tool, can help you identify the profitability of a niche.

Remember to promote your book outside of Amazon. You need to create a marketing channel to get people to your book. You can make Amazon a place where you sell your book and drive traffic to your books elsewhere.

Marketing strategies will make you stand out and increase your reviews.

3. Master Marketing

You can sell anything online if you are a master of marketing. It is essential to get people’s attention through creating content or running ads.

People will buy your book if you provide value. There are many marketing options for your book. You should use what Amazon offers: Amazon search and Amazon ads.

Marketing outside of Amazon will improve your rank in Amazon searches. Amazon expects you to promote Amazon, helping them get more customers and making more money. Amazon will rank your book higher in search results if it is a money-making title.

This is how you can make money publishing books on Amazon KDP in 2022.

4. Create a Short Book of High-Quality

  1. Some believed that a book must be 300 pages in publishing books on Amazon. Many people are discouraged from publishing books on Amazon because of this. People don’t realize that they can write a book in 30-50 pages and still have a high value.

This is an intelligent strategy for the short term because it allows you to see if your book sells. If it sells, you can make the book longer and charge more. Many of the books that have had a profound impact on people’s lives were much shorter. Publishing a short book, getting feedback, and refining it over time is the best way to perfect a book.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing – Conclusion

Amazon KDP is a great business model, not a way to make millions. Instead, consider it a passive income stream that generates leads for your company and builds your credibility. It’s a win/win situation.


9 responses to “Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: How to Make Money Publishing eBooks”

  1. Pam says:

    To be honest, I was one of those people who thought it was impossible to publish a book. You tip on short books was the game changer for me. To think that one can publish a 30-50 page book and adapt it over time; is interestingly encouraging. 
    Your article is very thorough, particularly on the “how to” go about publishing a book. This will definitely be something I’ll consider doing in the near future, thanks for that!

    • Mark says:

      Hi Pam,

      Yes short books especially as bloggers (I mean we write a lot) is really a game changer!

      I am so glad you found this article helpful and I look forward to reading your first short book.


  2. Aubin Tshiyole says:

    Hi Mark,

    I think you can also find information at Amazon – For example, I can get almost all the information I need about a particular product before buying it. Please correct me if I did not understand the context in which you wanted to put that.

    Your article explained everything well. Someone can just follow what you said and achieve his goal.


  3. Abel says:

    I have always dreamed of publishing a book one day. Back in the old days, the filters were too high. Publishers and editorials wanted to guarantee a return in their investment and they ruled out what they deemed would not sell. However, now with Amazon books, I can make my dream come true. Thanks for explaining the process of self-publishing with Amazon.

  4. kiersti says:

    I never thought of writing a book, neither did I think about creating a blog either. Ever since I started my blog, I have been getting questions. These questions have really opened my eyes. I find that one day I would like to write a book, even just being something tiny. When I do, I know that an e-book through Amazon Kindle Direct is the way to go. However, I need to master the skills of marketing before I am able to do that. Thanks for this very insightful and helpful article. 

  5. Dave says:

    Hi Mark, you have shared some very eye-opening ideas here on making money with book publications. I am huge on publishing books and have been looking for ways to really zoom in on this niche and make big money and you have offered me just the right ideas to work with. I am going to get started with Amazon KDP and see how it works for me. Thanks.

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