The Retired Affiliate

What is a Keyword Research Tool For SEO? Powerful is What it Is!

Mark Apletree

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Understanding how SEO tool for keyword research work can help your business reach potential customers. Keyword research is the bread and butter of SEO marketing campaigns and should be your number one priority.

What is a Keyword Research Tool For SEO?

A Keyword Research Tool is a software program that helps digital marketers find relevant search terms the target audience enters into search engines, such as Google or Bing, when looking for information online.

Keyword research is the first step to starting an SEO marketing campaign. An SEO campaign starts by specifying specific and actionable SEO goals and finding the right keywords or topics your target audience is looking for. Once you have this information, the next step is to create the content to deliver the answers they need, optimize it for SEO, and publish it.

Building a website is not just about making it attractive for visitors. You also need to make it easy for search engines to provide the most relevant results for a user’s query. Why is this important? Keywords Ranking is essential because higher-ranking pages get more organic search traffic. That’s because 75.1% of all clicks go to the top three organic results, and 31.73% of clicks go to the top-ranking page

You can’t afford to be buried on the second, third, or fourth page of Google. You just won’t get the hits and traffic you need to make digital marketing worth your time and money. 

To do this, your site needs to look visually appealing, read well and have relevant keyword-rich content. Your small blogging business will be shown on the first page if you get this right.

Why is a Keyword Research Tool Important?

SEO tool for keyword research is essential because it helps you understand your unique and dynamic customers’ buying journey, see what content your competitors set out for, and how to shape your content strategy.

The power of keyword research SEO tools lies in better understanding your target audience and how they are searching for your content and services or products.

Keyword research tools provide you with specific search data that can help you answer questions like:

  • What are people searching for?
  • How many people are looking for it?
  • In what format are they searching for the information?

The insight that you get using the SEO tool for your keyword research can help inform the content strategy backed up by research and analytics. SEO tool is an essential component for keyword research

When you pair content marketing with SEO, you can create fresh content, run effective paid search campaigns, and increase organic traffic.

If you choose the wrong keywords, choose no keywords, or do no optimization, you could fail to drive potential customers to your site. The inappropriate content might even lead to higher bounce rates. And that’s just a waste of your time and a loss for your company.

When you get your keyword research and SEO right, you’ll win web traffic and leads with a combination of user-oriented content and data-driven insights.

What Keyword Search Tools Can We Use to Get the Data?

Search engines keep track of what keywords people use to look for information. Many keyword research SEO tools provide data on monthly search volume. You can use several free tools for bootstrap businesses to start your research and keyword analysis.

These SEO search keyword tools are great for helping you discover new keywords.

To get started, enter the keyword or phrase in the tool.

Let’s say we’re researching Keyword Rankings.

Input the keyword and click search.

You’ll get a breakdown that looks like this:

SEO Keyword Rankings - The Retired Affiliates
  • Search volume is the number of times a term is searched in a given month.
  • SEO difficulty: a standardized metric for assessing the amount of competition in organic search.
  • Pay difficulty: The estimated level of competition in paid search.
  • Cost per click (CPC) is the average cost per click for a Google advertisement.

You’ll also be able to scroll down and see different variations of your search phrase.

SEO Keyword Ideas - The Retired Affiliates

This provides you with a broader view of the keywords you want to rank for.

If you’re working with a low budget, you may want to focus on a low-competition, low-cost-per-click keyword option that still gets good results. Or you can pick multiple phrases and Split test them for the best results.

However, how you use it, these are the best tool for keyword research to start with.

The Best Keyword Research SEO Tools

1.      Best for Active Browsing: Keyword Surfer

Keyword Surfer is a newer Chrome extension that automatically displays relevant keyword metrics directly on the right side of your browser each time you enter a search term.

It’s a valuable tool for revealing keyword data that includes:

  • Keyword ideas with uncover search volumes
  • Cost per click (CPC) for each keyword suggestion and related terms
  • Pages that rank for the search term you entered
  • Traffic to pages that ranked 1 through 10 for that term 

It’s a fast and easy way to get content ideas.

2.      Best Keyword Tool for Free Access: Ubersugest 

If you haven’t tried Ubersugest in a while, the free version. It now goes way beyond keyword suggestions and offers a lot of extended SEO capabilities. It’s evolved into a fully-fledged SEO tool, providing Backlink Checker, top competitor pages, target keywords you want to rank for, and more.

Ubersugest corresponding data for each keyword:

  • Volume: The average number of monthly searches 
  • Average cost per click (CPC) for a Google Ad for the keyword.
  • PD: Competition in paid search (the higher the number, the more competitive).
  • SD: Competition in organic search (the higher the number, the more competitive).

Ubersuggest offers specific content ideas—by highlighting (and linking to) the websites that generate traffic for the keyword. With their seven-day free trial, you can access more features like search volume graphed over time.

3.      Best For Domain Lookups: Jaaxy 

Jaaxy is a complete SEO tools suite that provides site crawl, keyword tracker, backlinks analysis, and domain lookups. It’s a paid tool but offers free access to 30 searches all across the board. A great place to go for a quick domain lookup finding evergreen niches or long-tail keywords similar to the initial keyword you first typed in.

So, what does Keyword, Avg, Traffic, QSR, KQI, and SEO all mean?

  • Jaaxy gives you many examples of long-tail keywords keyword. 
  •  Estimate how many visitors you could expect if you ranked on the first page of google.
  • QSR or Quoted Search Results gives you a real insight into how heavy your competition is. 
  • KQI stands for Keyword Quality Indicator and is so simple to read. Green is great, Orange is OK, and Red is Poor.
  • Measures how hard it’s to rank for specific keywords.

4.      Best For Paid Search: SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

The SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool gives you access to more than 20 billion keywords worldwide. SEMrush features a robust filtering system that sorts keywords by topic, search intent, question type, SERP features, and more. To access their free tools, create an account. You immediately access a comprehensive snapshot of a domain’s organic and paid search activity.

SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool reports include:

  • Monthly search volume (limits you to 10 searches a day)
  • Competitive metrics (among paid marketers)
  • Keyword Density or difficulty: How difficult it would be to rank in Google’s top 20

The Keyword Magic Tool also has several helpful sorting and organizing features. You can see related keywords by topic and technically related keywords or by keywords with matching phrasing.

Alternative SEO Search Suggestions

Looking for alternative suggested search boxes?

These search engines below have similar suggested search patterns that appear below the header when you start typing a few keywords in the search box

Different search engines will offer various suggestions depending on your keyword or topic.

Today, most people use Google as their primary source to target prospects. But it doesn’t hurt to get more keyword ideas from other search engines.

Best for Authenticity: Google AdWords Keyword Tool

Marketers’ most referenced keyword tool like Google Trends help you find keywords or topics with seasonal changes. As well as Google Search Console that provides performance information like impressions and the average ranking position. 

Another tool that can be valuable is to look at your Google Search. Use the Google autosuggestions and related phrases to discover more relevant keywords. Google perhaps is the most robust search keyword tool on the planet.

If you have a Gmail account and, better yet, an Google AdSense account, I suggest signing into those once you arrive on the Google Keyword Planner to get better results.

Optimize Your SEO Strategy with The Right Keyword Research Tool

Keyword research is just one of the several processes involved in search engine optimization. And although the best tool for keyword research

can help you create a strategy to start. Its ultimate success will depend on your ability to publish high-quality content.

Investing in effective keyword research and well-optimized posts is vital for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage and driving traffic to your website. Understand your audience and create a search engine optimization content strategy that works for your business. Do not give up and never become lazy. This is a process, and it needs to take time to manifest.

If you would like to learn more about Affiliate Marketing and how you can start for FREE, you might want to have a look at a company called Wealthy Affiliate.

I have been doing this for sometime now, and from all the platforms I have looked at, the FREE version of Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth jumping on board with.

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Stay tuned for more Work from Home Business ideas.

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CEO and Founder of The Retired Affiliates


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