The Retired Affiliate

Compare RankIQ vs. Jaaxy – The 2 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2022

Mark Apletree

Compare RankIQ vs. Jaaxy – The 2 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2022
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Compare RankIQ vs. Jaaxy – The 2 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2022 will help you decide which is best for you and your business.

Finding the Best Keyword Research Tools for your blog with pricing that won’t break the budget is very important, and in this review, I am going to cover the 2 best keyword research tools for 2022… RankIQ & Jaaxy.

As bloggers we are striving to get our posts ranked in the search engines, and start to monetize our entire site, and to do that we must have the best keyword research tools available!

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization is a term you would have heard of if you are around the content marketing and blogging world.

Search Engine Optimization is a system used to give search engine users with answers to their questions.

Search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo wants to give people the best answers when they enter a search and will look at an Incredible number of different factors from your given keyword to figure out from the millions of videos and articles on the web the best answer to your question.

In this review I am going to cover the 2 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2022 that will get your blog posts ranked fast!

And who are they? RankIQ and Jaaxy of course!

And if neither of these are your 1st choice then you will be sure to find one to dominate in my comprehensive review, The 12 Best Keyword Research Tools for Improving Your SEO in 2022, where RankIQ comes in at #3 and Jaaxy at #11.

Best SEO Keyword Research Tools

Every blogger needs to find the right keywords if they are going to be successful and finding the right keyword suggestions can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

As a new blogger you want your content creation to show up on the search engines, and to do this not only do you need to have the answer to what people are searching for, but also let the search engines know that you have the answer.

Both RankIQ & Jaaxy will give you keyword suggestions from a MASSIVE keyword library database which is what makes these two an extremely good keyword research tool.

So, let’s take a look at my 2 best SEO keyword research tools shall we?

What Is RankIQ?

Finding the Best Keyword Research Tools for your blog - RankIQ

What Is RankIQ? Simply put, this SEO Tools, AI-Driven platform is perfectly built just for bloggers and will tell you what you need to put in your post and title, so as the search engines will rank your blogs ultra-fast.

All you need to do is do a Google search on Neil Patel to see that using the right keywords will guarantee you success

It will help you to write highly ranked posts perfectly optimized in half the time, and has a hand picked library of good keywords for the lowest competition and highest traffic returns for every blog niche you can imagine.

You should also have a look at their Affiliate Programs which pays a massive $100 for every new customer you refer.

Build Blog Post Outlines in Minutes

RankIQ’s AI reports finds the topics that the search engines algorithm wants you to cover, this then allows you to create a comprehensive blog post outline in a matter of minutes… Search Engines love this in your blog posts.

Content Analysis: Topics Google Wants You To Cover

RankIQ Creating Content That Ranks on Page One!

RankIQ has an AI writing assistant telling you what you need to add to a post so as you can build a guaranteed 1st page Google ranking blog post time and time again with ANY given keyword!

Get Started CTA Button

Optimize Your Old Posts With RankIQ

In less time than it takes to boil an egg, you can optimize all of your old and underperforming posts and launch it into a position where it will become a top performer using all the right keywords.

Doing this with RankIQ is one of the simplest ways to increase your traffic and your earnings!

RankIQ – The Best Tool for Perfect SEO Titles In Under 60 Seconds!

RankIQ’s top 30 Serp analysis finds keywords that Google just LOVES the MOST in titles. This means you will be able to build a mouth-watering title from content creation that are proven to bring you the highest possible CTRs.

Keywords Google Likes In Titles

With Rank IQ You Never Have to Worry About Keyword Research Again

RankIQ have a hand picked keyword library for every major blog niche imaginable!

All of their keyword libraries are filled with the lowest competition phrases that also have explosive high traffic potential to guarantee your blog posts get Page 1 rankings!


RankIQ Costs Less, Gives More & Are Rated The Highest.

RankIQ Costs Less - Best Keyword Research

Rank IQ Pros & Cons


  • Easy, intuitive, and helpful interface.
  • Awesome customer service.
  • Makes content creation a breeze.
  • Awesome content creation tool for Google Ads.
  • Massive Keyword Library
  • Affordable paid plans.
  • Good keyword research tool.
  • Great for content marketing.
  • Perfect for conducting your next site audit when looking for new keyword suggestion to boost your old blog posts.
  • Brilliant for creating Mouth-Watering content creation.
  • Unbelievable SERP features
  • Search Engines love it.
  • Built in word count tool to let you know how many words search engines are looking for in your blog posts.
  • Has results-proven low competition keywords that will get you that first page rank


  • RankIQ has no free version or trial period.
  • Price – Although I mentioned the price as a Pro, in the early stages as a blogger $49 a month can be an extra cost you may not be able to afford.
  • Only 16 Keyword reports per month.

Is RankIQ Worth It?

In my opinion RankIQ is definitely worth the $49 per month because it works!

It is effective, easy to use, and so simple to implement into your blogging strategy.

The $49 price tag is very reasonable when you look at what other paid Search Engine Optimization platforms are charging, and it is ready for when you can and want to jump onto a paid SEO tool.


Of course if you are a new blogger and funds are tight, and dont want or cant afford RankIQ, there are also some great free keyword tools you can use to help your blog posts.

  • Google Search Console
  • Google Search Results (Incognito Mode Suggested)
  • Ubersuggest

These free versions work… I know of many bloggers who have build their content creation and link building with incredible success using these tools, and have never felt the need to sign up for paid keyword research tools.

What RankIQ Customers Think

Ever since I signed up for RankIQ I have managed to increase my organic traffic by 20% in just under 3 weeks, so for me RankIQ is worth every dollar.

The best keyword research tools are designed and programmed to get you noticed on search engines, and RankIQ smashes this out of the park.

But hey, dont just take my word for it, see what others are saying about RankIQ.

ranking in the top 3 positions
RankIQ traffic climbed steadily
3 months of using RankIQ
Posts start to rank for targeted keywords

What Is Jaaxy

Jaaxy, Your Competitive Edge Starts Here

Jaaxy is a Keyword Research Tool for keyword research and search engine optimization, and as a new blogger is the perfect entry level research tool for your blog posts.

It is also one of the best Free keyword research tools, with the free version offered when you are a Wealthy Affiliate Member, and has one of the highest paying Affiliate Programs, paying you up to $40 every month your referral stays using Jaaxy.


You can check out my 2022 Jaaxy Review here.

How to Get a Competitive Edge With Jaaxy

Jaaxy is a popular keyword research tool that was developed by Affiliate Marketers FOR Affiliate Marketers.

Finding the right keywords for your content creation, and knowing the best keyword suggestions to use can be extremely time consuming when it comes to your business, and as content creators time is of the essence!

When you use Jaaxy you will be getting one of the most powerful and proven SEO tools in the world to manage all of your keyword research, website competition and market research.

The video below will show you just how easy Jaaxy is to use, and highlight some of its best keyword research tools, including keyword difficulty.

Keywords Galore With Jaaxy

Did you know that google reckons there are over 500 MILLION never before used search terms being searched for EVERY SINGLE DAY!

That is why you should have the best keyword research tools available if you stand any chance of being recognized by the search engines.

As a new blogger or seasoned veteran, Jaaxy is that tool.

With search engine optimization in mind, Jaaxy will quickly help you to find kickass, mouth-watering, and untouched keywords that will explode your SEO and PPC campaigns to the next level.

Jaaxy – Helping You To Beat The Competition With The Perfect Target Keyword

Simply put, Jaaxy is going to let you spy on what your competition is doing, and is going to help you find the perfect target keyword.

For you to rank in the search engines Jaaxy will find out:

  • Why your competitions websites are ranking.
  • Where they are ranking.
  • The websites content structure.
  • Meta tags.
  • Content quality.
  • Content length.
  • Back links.
  • Ad placements

In other words a whole heap of information that your competitors really don’t want YOU to see.

The bottom line is, with the keyword research features Jaaxy has, this information is most definitely guaranteed to give you the edge over your competition.

Awesome content creators ALWAYS have the edge! And that edge is knowing the best keyword research tools to use, and what google users are looking for.

Where Am I Ranked In The Search Engines?

Jaaxy has an awesome feature called Site Rank which will show you where your website ranks in the Big 3 Search Engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

This helps to tell where your entire site ranks under the keywords that you want to track.

Site rank

Free Keyword Tools Jaaxy

Jaaxy’s free version is a little limited, however I entered the given keyword Wealthy Affiliate and this is what it came up with.

There are some really great options for powerful and epic blog post and it uses a lot of metrics that other paid keyword research tools don’t have.

  • KEYWORD – Gives you examples of longer tailed keywords that are similar to the keyword phrase you entered.
  • AVG – This is the average number of searches people have searched for in the last month.
  • TRAFFIC – This is roughly the amount of visitors you would get to your website if you rank at first position on page 1.
  • QSR – How many other websites are ranking for this exact keyword – For a new blogger the lower the QSR the better.
  • KQI – “Keyword Quality Indicator” where red is bad, yellow is OK, and green is good. The biggest problem here is that NO ONE can tell me how they have calculated this, so I am not sure if this is really a good feature, or a necessary one.
  • SEO – As a new blogger, Jaxxy has confused us with their backward calculation method, where 100 is easy and 1 is hard, the total opposite to any other keyword search tools I have used. Another big red flag on this function is that I couldn’t find anyone who could explain how this was calculated.

Jaaxy Pros & Cons

Overall, Jaaxy has some awesome features and a fair bit going for it. I definitely think its biggest strength lies in the way it does its keyword research.


  • Free Plan
  • Unique Keywords
  • Tons of Long-Tailed Keywords
  • Very Simple and Easy to us.
  • Awesome selection of tools and SERP exploring features.
  • Paid plans are very reasonable.
  • Domain name availability finder.
  • Finds Affiliate Programs in your niche.
  • Massive amount of training materials available.

The Jaaxy training is by far one of my biggest PROS, and here is a view of some of that training.

Jaaxy keyword research and management
Jaaxy website research and analysis
Niche research refinement
Affiliate program walkthrough


As I mentioned earlier my biggest worry about Jaaxy is that nobody seems to know what goes into their SEO calculations.

Remember how their search engine optimization number worked backwards to all the others? With 100 being the easiest and 1 being the hardest.

Ok, that doest seem to match up with the other good keywords tools that I use, like RankIQ, KWFinder, and Long Tail Pro who rely on page authority, backlinks, domain authority, site authority and others.

So, my concern here is that if Jaaxy doesnt correlate with these tools… What is it using to come up with these rankings?

It is almost as if Jaaxy thinks that keyword difficulty is just a myth and that finding that target keyword is actually a lot easier than it is in reality.

Compare RankIQ with Jaaxy Conclusion

Both RankIQ and Jaaxy are fantastic tools to have in your keyword research library of SEO optimization tools.

Both are a very useful tool with each having their own “What’s Really Good” and “Even Better Ifs”

I am currently using both of these at the moment (Along with a few others), and if someone was to ask me which one I had to choose if I could only keep one…. It would probably be RANKIQ

That answer would definitely be different if you are a new blogger or a new business on a tight budget, as there are no free options or trial periods with RankIQ.

Also if you are a new blogger you can take up a FREE Wealthy Affiliate Membership and get to use all of Jaaxy’s incredible SEO tools free.

If you decide to upgrade your membership, you then get access to their Jaaxy Enterprise, free within your Premium Wealthy Affiliate membership.


I use RankIQ nearly every day when I am creating my blog posts and would definitely be my most popular keyword research tool.

But at $49 per month you need to be using it to its fullest potential.

You could also sign up on a month to month basis, simply cancelling your subscription whenever you are not using it, and then resigning when your content creation is ready to be analyzed.

how to promote affiliate links man in purple shirt on advert for earning passive income online

If you would like to learn more about Affiliate Marketing and how you can start for FREE, you might want to have a look at a company called Wealthy Affiliate.

I have been doing this for sometime now, and from all the platforms I have looked at, the FREE version of Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth jumping on board with.

Did you find this article useful? Feel free to share your thoughts. We would be happy to hear from you!

Stay tuned for more Work from Home Business ideas.

Any/all links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you make a purchase through one of them, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read the full affiliate disclosure here.


CEO and Founder of The Retired Affiliates

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20 responses to “Compare RankIQ vs. Jaaxy – The 2 Best Keyword Research Tools in 2022”

  1. LineCowley says:

    Hi Mark, using a keyword research tool is vital for any blogger if they want to rank in the search engines. I use Jaaxy on a daily basis, and sometimes Ubersuggest and AskThePublic, but have not come across RankIQ before, so this was a very helpful comparison to come across. 

    RankIQ does seem to be a great keyword tool, and if the AI software can suggest titles and keywords that will improve your rankings, then the monthly cost seems to be worth the investment. Thanks for sharing a great review. 

    • Mark says:

      Hi Line,

      I would never stop using Jaaxy because we get that as part of our Wealthy Affiliate membership, however after using RANKIQ, and dabbling with KWFinder and Long Tail Pro I am not 100% sold on some of Jaaxy’s results, especially around the rankings on QSR, KQI, and SEO and how they come up with those figures.

      I have also noticed a big difference in what Jaaxy says about traffic compared to the other 3.


  2. Stephanie says:

    I have been using Jaaxy for the last 3 years and I have no negative things to say about the platform. I have never tried the other platform that was mentioned in this article, but from what I could gather, it’s a more efficient and advanced tool for keyword research. I might give that platform a try and see if it lives up to the expectations. Thank you for your recommendations. 

    • Mark says:

      Hi Stephanie,

      Yes I still use Jaaxy to as it is all part of our membership here at WA, and while there are some grey areas in how they get their stats, I still find it very helpful.

      RANKIQ, definitely gives me another edge when it comes to keyword and title searches though.

      If you do go with RANKIQ I would love to hear your thoughts.


  3. Erica Schulte says:

    Thank you for this extremely helpful and detailed review article. I have been listening to the Blogging Millionaire podcast and as a result have been hearing a lot about Rank IQ. I decided to try it and unfortunately found that all of the keywords suggested for my nutrition blog niche were about the effectiveness of different nutrition fads. It is discouraging because this isn’t the intention for my blog, but that may get me more readers. I’m not sure what to do next!

    • Mark says:

      Hi Erica,

      I think if RANKIQ can get you more readers then that’s a winner right there!

      Have you tried running a report on your article and title, and then checking the optimization score and different keywords you can include to lift that score?

      Hit me up at if you have any questions, or you can ask them in his comments section and I would be happy to answer them.


  4. Logan says:

    This article gave me a much better understanding on Rank IQ and how it all works. I personally think Jaxxy is the best keyword research tool out there since I have gotten so much good content produced though the ease of use system. It is truly a competitive edge. This post almost made me rethink my decision on it though, I must say.

    • Mark says:

      Hi Logan,

      Yes I agree Jaaxy is good. I use both Jaaxy and RankIQ now and so far have gotten a few real different results comparing the two when putting articles researched by each one, against each other.

      Feel free to hit me up if you would like to know how each one stacked up.


  5. Jannette says:

    Keyword research is important to finding the right keywords to rank on the first page of Google. I currently use Jaaxy & Moz to help write my articles. I have not heard of RankIQ, but after reading your comparison I am going to try their service. This review was very helpful and hope it helps many others be successful and understand the research keyword aspect of being a successful blogger. 

    • Mark says:

      Hey Jannette,

      I think you will be fairly happy with the 30 day results you get from RankIQ when it comes to your post rankings…

      If you do decide to give it a try don’t hesitate to hit me up if you need any help.


  6. William says:

    Hey Mark, loved your post. I have learned so much already. I have your site bookmarked so when I have more time I will come back and read more in depth.

    We are new to affiliate marketing, 2 months only, but are having a great time producing and publishing content. One of the biggest issues I face is time. To complete a post and publish it can take me up to 3-4 days part time. I still work a 9-5 job unfortunately. I would like to publish a minimum of 3-4 per week. Ive read a little about these writing bots or AI, although I have not tried any as of yet. What do you think about them. I know that I am very particular in what I publish, but I could sure use some help, and I only have one site so far whew..

    We are using the Wealthy Affiliate platform and absolutely love it, and so are also using Jaxy. I am intrigued about Rank IQ, it certainly seems to have a lot of very useful features. I guess I need to investigate a little further.

    Thanks again for the education.

    • Mark says:

      Hi William,

      Firstly, welcome to the world of Affiliate Marketing, and I know you are going to love the journey!

      A lot of members here at Wealthy Affiliate talk about Dragon speech to text, however I am still very much old school and prefer to use a keyboard for all my content. That being said I do know it is a very good software but can be a little expensive.

      There are a few free types around (Obviously not as good) that you could try first.

      Regarding RankIQ I would definitely recommend giving it a trial, as it really does help with getting your posts/blogs/reviews ranked faster.

      Hit me up if you would like to know anymore on RankIQ, and I wish you all the best with your new business William.


  7. Johnny says:

    Bloggers earn on the internet and they strive to get ranked in the search engine every single day. This article help the bloggers to choose the tools for their business. In every business there are tools one use to create a unique outcome. The better quality the tool, the better the outcome. This article has elaborated RankIQ vs. Jaaxy comparison and left it to the bloggers to make their own decisions. Thank you for taking your time to elaborate this.

  8. Jerry McCoy says:

    RankIQ is ranked very highly for a couple of reasons. One is that it has a LIBRARY to pull from and not a live moment by moment research tool. The second being that RankIQ uses AI to do its searches for keywords instead of search engines. It has a competitive price compared to Jaaxy until RankIQ lowers its price to compete. I wonder if those results would be the same if the price were the same.


    • Mark says:

      Hi Jerry,

      Yes the pricing point for RankIQ is a little on the high side, which is why I currently use it on an “As needed” basis, in other words when I have a few articles ready for publishing.


  9. John says:

    Thanks for your detailed comparison Mark.
    I read it with interest because as a fellow blogger, we all want to get the best results from our SEO efforts.
    I do like the sound of the RankIQ SEO titles.  You mentioned they are “perfect”.  Is this really so and do you use them often?
    The AI content briefs seem good too.  I have another tool for that though on a lifetime deal.  All the pros you listed seem very good.

    I’ve used JAAXY for a few years now and am happy with it.  It is missing some of the features of RankIQ however, but it still does a fairly good job. 

    • Mark says:

      Hi John,

      I have been using RankIQ for about 3 months now and have noticed a considerable difference in page rankings (Speed) between articles researched by Jaaxy and RankIQ, with RankIQ being the clear winner.

      That being said I still use Jaaxy and am fairly happy to stay with them as it is all inclusive as part of our Wealthy Affiliate membership.

      What tool are you using for your AI content briefs John?


  10. Aubin Tshiyole says:

    I have been using Jaaxy for a few months now and I must say that I absolutely love it! It is so easy to use and very efficient. I have never heard of rank IQ before. I will most certainly give it a try and see how it turns out. Thank you for this article. You have made the job of market affiliators a little bit easier 

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The Retired Affiliates

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