The Retired Affiliate

Make Money Online with ADA Leadz

Mark Apletree

Make Money Online with ADA Leadz
88 / 100

Are you looking for a ADA Leadz 2.0 review? Is ADA Leadz 2.0 a scam?

Do you want to expand your business and launch a website? Well, there are a few things that you should know first.

What is ADA Leadz?


ADA Leadz is one of its kind of ADA Website Compliance Audit Tool. ADA Leadz also helps in generating potential leads. This software lets you search for websites that are not ADA compliant, lets you manage leads, create reports, contact prospects directly, and create a beautiful website audit.

I think it’s an extraordinary app that enables you to set up your own ADA agency that focuses on helping businesses avoid massive lawsuits. Create ADA website audits and charge for them directly or use them as a ‘foot in the door’ strategy to get more leads & clients. This is perfect for agencies, local marketers & online marketers.

But Wait, What Does ADA Leadz Stand For?

ADA is the shortest term for the ‘Americans with Disabilities Act’, a federal law that has been established to avoid discrimination against people with disabilities. ADA Compliance means that your website should follow certain guidelines because businesses are being sued left and right for being non-ADA compliant. As a result, many business owners are looking for an ADA Compliance Solution.

Why is having ADA Leadz Important?

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Here’s a sample scenario:

Caught in the WEB.

A business owner from Clearwater decided to expand their business and launched a website and BAM! There’s a LAWSUIT. One blind woman complained that the website isn’t compatible with visually impaired screen reading software, leaving her unable to buy the product.

Most public places like restaurants, car parks, or bathrooms have disability accessibility. ADA lawsuits are nothing new, but the spotlight is now on the website. This is the first time I heard about this one.

In 2018, 2,285 ADA website lawsuits were filed in federal courts. But that was 4 years ago.

Website owners should watch out for this lawsuit!

What Are The Benefits of Using ADA Leadz?

Using ADA Leadz, you can do the following:

  • Run a Full ADA Website Audit.
  • Generate reports like SEO, KPI’s, etc.
  • Search and filter non-ADA Compliant websites.
  • Download PDF report areas where such are non-ADA Compliant.
  • Helps you make money from online marketing.
  • Organize campaigns, leads, etc.

But before diving into the deep ocean, let’s get to know the founder and creator of ADA Leadz!

Who is Mario Brown?

When I was watching Mario Browns video, I felt like I could feel him next to me or I was in that event. His determination moved me. Well, enough with my bubbly insights. Let’s swim deep down about his vision.

To put it in a short story, Mario started his journey when he decided to go to the live event in San Diego. He was desperate to get on that event and make his dream come true. Mario Brown is also the creator of FOMO Clips, Email Videos Pro, White Label Studio, Video Agency Funnels, and many more high-quality software products.

As per my research, ADA requires that web content be accessible to the blind, deaf, and those who must navigate through voice, screen readers, and other assistive technologies. Whew, website owners should really know about this or should I say ‘the Web Developer’.

As such, your website content needs:

  1. Text to speech features
  2. Alt text for all images
  3. Zoom In & Out features
  4. Accessibility Policy Pages

If not, you are at risk of an imminent lawsuit that has cost so many other website owners like yourself tens of thousands of dollars in lawsuits.

Widget Features for ADA Leadz

ADA Leadz 2.0

Button Position: You can choose the position of the button: It’s either Top Left, Top Right, Left Center, Right Center, Bottom Right, Bottom Left.

Readable Experience: The Tools enable users to adjust how the content of your site is displayed, so it is as readable as possible to their particular disability.

  • Font should be Readable
  • Dyslexia Friendly
  • Highlight Titles
  • Content Scaling
  • Text Magnifier
  • Font Sizing
  • Line Height
  • Highlight Links
  • Letter Spacing
  • Text Alignment

Visual Experience: Tools relating to the colorization of your website.

As for colorization:

  • Monochrome
  • Light Contrast
  • High Contrast
  • Dark Contrast
  • Low Saturation
  • High Saturation
  • Text Color
  • Title Color
  • Background Color

Easy Orientation: Tools for people with visual impairments, cognitive disabilities, or motor impairments to orient better at the site.

  • Reading Mask
  • Mute Sounds
  • Hide Images
  • Big Black Cursor
  • Big White Cursor
  • Reading Guide

That’s a lot to take in! Tips on not getting a lawsuit. Your web developer should or must know about this. Because ADA Compliant is not just in the United States but WORLDWIDE!

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Is ADA Leadz Expensive?

Well, if you are aiming for a better website minus the LAWSUIT then the money is not the problem. It ranges from $47 to $67 for the basic and standard, $197-$247 for premium, and of course they have a bundle price cost of $297, a One-time payment.

You can check out “Is Network Marketing Worth It?” for a better understanding of making money online. The results and behind the scenes scheme will shock you!

Here are some potential niches where you can offer ADA Leadz Compliant services:

  • Pet Shops
  • Mechanics
  • Gyms
  • Advertisers
  • Hotels
  • Healthcare
  • Coffee Shops
  • Restaurants
  • Digital Marketers

We were all talking about ADA Leadz but almost forgot how to get the product.

How Can You Purchase ADA Leadz?

ADA Leadz can currently be purchased directly from the official store of the creators. Through this online store, one can gain access to a variety of useful details about the product too. The product is available for a one-time purchase, with no subscription fees or hidden charges.

That’s a good one.

Earn Top Dollar With ADA Leadz

Lets Talk About ADA Leadz Pros & Cons

PROS, you will get;


But the CONS;

  • Well, some additional features are not included in ADA Leadz. You have to buy product upgrades as mentioned in the pricing section above.
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Is it Worth it to Purchase the Service of ADA Leadz?

Yes, I didn’t know that ADA existed online until now. That someone out there could file a lawsuit against website owners because of ADA Compliant. As for the product review, I have read a lot of good views and insights about ADA Leadz on how this cool software can save them from getting a lawsuit. And so far, I haven’t read bad reviews about this product. But if you have got one or know someone who hasn’t had a good experience with ADA Leadz, please don’t hesitate to tap on me.

Always remember that precaution is better than cures!

But if you are looking for something real and make good money online without any cat chasing your tails. Check out my full review of the affiliate marketing training platform where I owe all my success to: “Wealthy Affiliate Review”

If you would like to learn more about Affiliate Marketing and how you can start for FREE, you might want to have a look at a company called Wealthy Affiliate.

I have been doing this for sometime now, and from all the platforms I have looked at, the FREE version of Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth jumping on board with.

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Stay tuned for more Work from Home Business ideas.

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