The Retired Affiliate

Virtual Jobs – How to Hire a Virtual Assistant in 2022

Mark Apletree

Virtual Jobs - How to Hire a Virtual Assistant
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What are Virtual Jobs, and how can Virtual Jobs help your business?

Virtual jobs, and more specifically Virtual Assistants, according to Wikipedia is a person whose primary job is to help their employer do a specific online job virtually. Most of the time this person is living in another part of the world.

Virtual Jobs – How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

STOP guessing or hoping that you are doing things right when trying to find the finding the perfect VA, I will guarantee you will find the perfect VA when I walk you through my method I use to hire my personal Filipino Virtual Assistant through an awesome Virtual Jobs - How to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Virtual Jobs – The Common Misconception

Contrary to popular belief there is a huge misconception that to find the perfect Virtual Assistant to fill any Virtual Jobs is that you need to hire and then fire a heap of them before finding that “right person”.

If you are anything like me, then I know that your time is way to valuable for that!

I’m telling you right now I have removed the Prince Charming fairytale tale method of kissing frogs to find his princess, and come up with my method of finding the best VA the first time, and I can show you exactly how I do this!

So if you’re ready to grow not only your business, but also your freedom to do the things in life you enjoy, its definitely time to hire a Filipino Virtual Assistant through my Virtual Jobs method.

Virtual Jobs – I’ve Figured out the Best Method and I’m Going to Share it With You!

I run multiple successful businesses and by hiring the right Virtual Assistants I have created the freedom to really enjoy the things I love most which is travelling (Pre Covid of course), golf, surfing, keeping fit, and living my dream life.

You too can have all this, and if you follow my hiring method and formula I use it will all start when you hire your first Filipino Virtual Assistant using my tips and tricks.

I have created a kickass method that will find you an awesome Virtual Assistant first time, every time, GUARANTEED!

With my templates and video walk throughs you will be ready to hire a super qualified, incredible, honest, and affordable Filipino worker within the week.

Virtual Jobs – What You Get

Find the right Virtual Assistant and you are on your way to living the lifestyle you have always wanted.

Taking up my proven interview formula means you will now have more time to do what ever you want.

OK, so here is what you get:

Job Description Template – This is my proven template that has been tested over time to get me astounding results every time. It an be customized o suit any type of Virtual Jobs you are looking to fill.

Interview Templates – A set of 4 customizable email sequence templates that will reliably screen out the good from the bad, with guaranteed results!

My Mini Test – This 12 question test is designed to see how well your potential Virtual Assistant can research a said topic related to your business. This is also fully customizable to suit the type of Virtual Assistant you are searching for, applicable to your business.

Video and Text Training – This training has 5 Modules designed to ensure your new Virtual Assistant gets your business and works just like a mirror image of you. It covers the following;

Training Session #1 – The Basics

Training Session #2 – Product & Keyword Research

Training Session #3 – Product Information

Training Session #4 – Thrive Architect & Post Structure

Training Session #5 – Writing & Publishing the Post.

My Welcome Instructions Template – This is sent to your successful Virtual Assistant that you have hired through the Virtual Jobs platform and has a detailed list of rules so as to avoid any misunderstanding or conflict in the future.

Right VA

Is The Virtual Jobs Path Right For You?

What I would like you to do here is take a few minutes to ask yourself the following questions…

  1. Do I have huge plans for my business, but just not so sure where to start?
  2. Do I get frustrated and overwhelmed by the amount of time I spend on tasks that I am not so good in and as such are becoming a slave to my business?
  3. Are you always wondering what outsourcing could actually do for my business as far as expanding?
  4. Would you love to have more free time to spend with family and friends?
  5. Are you lacking confidence and knowledge when it comes to recruiting?
  6. Are you looking for help to grow your business but find local wages are way out of your budget?
  7. You are looking at virtual jobs platforms but not really sure where to find that perfect Virtual Assistant?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions then my Virtual Jobs finding and hiring method will answer all of the above and more!

Man hiding under laptop

How Did I Create The Perfect Hiring Process?

Are you familiar with an old carpenters saying “Measure Twice, Cut Once” well the same goes when using a Virtual Jobs platform to hire a virtual assistant, “Hire Once and Hire Well”

I have used this method time and time again when hiring Filipino workers to work on my personal businesses.

I have also shared this recruiting method with a great deal of outsourcing business owners I know and still work with today.

I am going to give you all of the recruiting tools I have put together over the years that have come from hours and hours of testing and refining.

I have packaged my own personal templates, links and videos in an easy to follow method that will guarantee you the best Virtual Assistant hire every time.

You will get all my hiring strategies that work with a 100% success rate, the RED flags you need to watch out for while going through the hiring stage, and the recruiting process you should stay well clear of and a whole bunch more.

This really is The Holy Grail for hiring Filipino Virtual Assistants within the next 7 days.

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant – What is it and How Does it Work?

In my 5-step method I wont just hand you a piece of rubbish list on “How To” and send you on your way.

I will be giving you my guide that I have used that will take you through the intricate process of hiring a professional Filipino Virtual Assistant, and will teach you how to do that to suit whatever business you have.

If you follow the guide and template sequence I give you, and don’t deviate from this proven method, you will be ready to hire that awesome, incredibly perfect employee within the week.

What Are You Waiting For?

If you have gotten this far I am guessing this isn’t the first time you have thought about hiring a Virtual Assistant from a Virtual Jobs platform.

You have most likely heard the stories from other successful entrepreneurs on how hiring a Virtual Assistant has given them more freedom in life to enjoy their business.

Right VA
Pay Once and Use Forever!
The Videos Below Might Answer Some Of Your Questions and Concerns.

Virtual Jobs – My 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

When it comes to guarantees there is one thing that really p&ss#s me off and that is all the conditions and complicated clauses they put in.

So I am going to keep this super easy.

If by any chance my methods don’t find you the Epic Virtual Assistant within 7-Days just contact me and you will get your money back with no questions asked.

I would be very surprised if this doesn’t work for you, but if you really aren’t happy with the results you get, simply drop me a line.

If you purchase the Get My VA Now for just $19.95 I will also include these two Ironclad Bonuses:

  1. The Mini Test – This is a thorough walk through and step-by-step training document that will help you determine the right candidate, and will help you to decide how ready your Virtual Assistant is. It is a fully customizable template to suit any hiring need.
  2. My Welcome Instructions – This is another fully customizable template which you can send to your chosen Virtual Assistant and confirm all the details, and lay the ground rules upfront to avoid any misunderstanding or conflict in the future.

Who Do I Use To Fill My Virtual Jobs?

After many years of searching I finally landed on what I think is the Number 1 Virtual Jobs platform, and that is Banner 300x250 is a job board where you can hire dedicated and skilled people from the Philippines, and was founded in 2008 by a fellow named John Jonas.

Why I Hire From the Philippines

There are many reasons, however these would be my top 3 reasons

  1. English Language – Having lived and worked in the Philippines I have seen that even when you travel to the Provinces, English is prevalent. While some may struggle with the pronunciation of our English language, the majority of Filipinos write it extremely well.
  2. Work Ethic – I was the CEO of a major Call Centre in Manilla and every Filipino that worked for our company was loyal, hardworking, and looking for long-term employment opportunities. They had even been know to try and get to work in the middle of a Typhoon! Now that’s WORK ETHIC!
  3. Affordability – You can hire advanced education Virtual Assistants at a fraction of the cost that you would pay in Australia, United States, Canada, New Zealand or the United Kingdom.

Below are Just a Few Examples of Work One of my Virtual Assistants has Created

Can I Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate – A Quick Guide To WA Marketing

What Is Wealthy Affiliate About? My 2022 Review!

Beginner Guide to Affiliate Marketing in 2022

Virtual Jobs – How to Hire a Virtual Assistant Wrap Up

So if your figuring out how to build a website, or you ant to create a landing page, possibly have an expert write SEO optimized blogs, in fact anything where you need someone to help free up your time, then its definitely time to hire a Virtual Assistant.

The best part is that my offer for just $19.95 will guarantee that you get the best person possible through my job application process, job interview templates, and my 5 training modules that can be customized to suit any hire.

Not to forget that if you take up this offer, you will also get my results driven Welcome Instructions and Priceless Mini Test at no extra cost. These two normally sell for $34.99


If you would like to know more about this amazing formula to successfully find the right Virtual Assistant every time, or have any questions regarding Virtual Jobs then please leave them in the comments below and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Alternatively you can subscribe to my email list below, that way you will always know when we have posted something new, found some great deals, or found something a little shady!

If you would like to learn more about Affiliate Marketing and how you can start for FREE, you might want to have a look at a company called Wealthy Affiliate.

I have been doing this for sometime now, and from all the platforms I have looked at, the FREE version of Wealthy Affiliate is definitely worth jumping on board with.

Did you find this article useful? Feel free to share your thoughts. We would be happy to hear from you!

Stay tuned for more Work from Home Business ideas.

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CEO and Founder of The Retired Affiliates

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