The Retired Affiliate

What is Six Figure Mentors: The Most Powerful & Explosive Course In 2022!

Mark Apletree

What is Six Figure Mentors
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To briefly answer the question, “What is Six Figure Mentors,” it is an online business program that provides training on building a business. The founders of the program have already created a membership mastermind group. The members are connected with other business owners and can ask questions or provide advice. The program is made for people who want to start a business.

If you are unsure if Six Figure Mentors is right for you, sign up for its free membership. The free trial offers seven video training modules to help you get started. The videos are long sales pitches for the product.

To succeed with this program, you must be willing to invest in marketing and advertising yourself. The best affiliate marketing systems provide accessible tools and training to implement. This is where the real power of this program lies.

As a result, you can make money online with minimum work and minimal risk. And, because you have a team of experts and support, you can quickly profit with Six Figure Mentors.

So, What is Six Figure Mentors?

The Six Figure Mentors system is a training program for people who want to make money online. It offers a membership for free and offers various tools for affiliates. The premium membership comes with a recurring fee, but it’s worth it for the affiliates’ support.

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You’ll earn a commission when a referral becomes a member of the Six Figure Mentors affiliate program. It’s possible to become a successful business owner by making money with a blog.

So What Is Six Figure Mentors & How Does It Work?

The Six Figure Mentors program is an internet marketing coaching program that teaches people to make a full-time income online. The company offers a free membership that enables you to watch videos and receive emails from Stuart and Jay.

Six Figure mentors displayed on a computer screen - the retired affiliates

Once you upgrade your membership, you’ll be given access to advanced training materials and tools that you need to succeed. The system is very structured, suitable for beginners and more experienced marketers.

The basic Six Figure Mentors membership is free, but the training is a long sales pitch. There’s no real training or anything in the videos. Instead, you get access to a private coach who will try to upsell you on an expensive membership. This is not what you need.

Once you’re a full member, you’ll get access to various resources, including sales funnels, pre-made affiliate links, and rebranding campaigns.

The affiliate program makes it easy to rebrand and use your brand name and URL. The training modules are short and generic, so you won’t have to do too much work.

The Six Figure Mentors training is free for beginners. Then you can join the paid course and receive live training from Stuart and Jay. However, it feels like a sales pitch, and you have to pay money to upgrade your membership.

Six figure mentors membership options - the retired affiliates

The benefits are great, but you need to be careful. A good course will help you build a strong list and earn multiple streams online. And you can even earn from a job you love!

You can watch videos and learn from them. They also offer private coaches who will help you market your products. The benefits are many. You can learn how to promote a product and get the most out of it if you’re starting. If you’re ready to invest in your training, you can sign up for the Elite course.

The Six Figure Mentors program offers step-by-step training and tools to help you become a successful internet marketer. You’ll gain access to marketing tools and resources essential to success.

You’ll learn how to recruit people, market your products, and get paid while you’re at it. In short, this program is a great way to start earning money online. You’ll have all the support you need to grow your business and achieve your goals.

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Is Six Figure Mentors Legit or a Scam?

Despite its name, six Figure Mentors is an MLM (multi-level-marketing) company masquerading as an internet marketing system. The training is geared toward those who have failed at Internet marketing before and want to succeed this time.

Unlike other programs aimed at beginners, the platform offers a proven internet marketing system. And you’ll be assigned a mentor and given the option to test and implement different opt-in forms. If you’re still not satisfied with the product, you’ll be required to pay a membership fee.

In addition to an online training program, Six Figure Mentors also offers a series of seven videos. The program asks for an email address and sends you a video link every day. While these videos are high-quality and well-produced, they don’t provide anything unique or specialized.

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While Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek have extensive experience in marketing, the content isn’t very unique.

The Six-Figure Mentors program offers a 30-day money-back guarantee compared to other online training courses. This is a big plus, as it gives you a chance to evaluate the product’s value before you spend a dime. You can also learn how to market Six Figure Mentors and recruit others.

If you are interested in gaining digital marketing expertise, you’ll want to take a look at Six Figure Mentors. This platform provides step-by-step video lessons, tools, and community. However, it’s a niche site for people who want to join the online marketing industry.

This business model is not for everyone. As Stuart Ross says, “people get what they look for,” and you have to test it yourself before signing up.

The pricing structure of Six Figure Mentors is shady. Its sales process involves generic information and telephone consultation with a consultant.

If you want to become an affiliate of Six Fig Mentors, you need to make sure you can afford it. There are many ways to earn big in this company. It’s possible to earn a lot of money from affiliate marketing, but the downside is that you have to be patient.

While Six Figure Mentors offers free, basic membership, it’s not as detailed as it seems. The basic membership doesn’t offer much training and tools. To earn money online, you must be willing to invest a few dollars. But you need to ensure you’re getting what you’re paying for. If you’re not, you shouldn’t spend money on it.

Six Figure Mentors Pricing

You must pay a membership fee of $97/month plus $75/month for the tools. The course is divided into five sections and includes a tutorial, live events, and mastermind groups with the founders.

This provides you with a business lounge and a landing page creator. The other tools are a single link tracking tool, graphics maker, and marketing courses.

There are two levels of membership: Essential and Elite. The basic membership has an extensive training library and the Super Affiliate System 3.0.

For $97/month, you’ll get access to the Essential membership. The Elite plan, on the other hand, has recurring webinars and includes certification for system setup and marketing. This membership requires an enrollment fee of $99 and $2500 one-time.

The Six Figure Mentors membership includes a step-by-step marketing blueprint and access to the training library. The mastermind group will help you network with other entrepreneurs and support them. A mastermind group will give you access to a supportive community and more support.

In addition to the resources, the Elite membership includes certification for setting up a system and recurring exclusive webinars.

The pricing is shady, but the program’s benefits are well worth it. You can request a refund if you don’t like the program.

The website claims that Stuart Kubassek and Jay Ross have worked for shady affiliate programs and are familiar with the industry. However, these two men have been criticized for promoting illegal MLM schemes.

Stuart Ross – Co Founder
Jay Kubassek – Co Founder

The basic membership is the cheapest of the three available options. You get access to a training library, live webinars, and a new Senior Business Coach. While the program is relatively inexpensive, it is essential to understand how it works.

Initially, you’ll only get basic information, but you’ll have access to the advanced training materials and tools applicable to building a successful business. Afterward, you’ll learn how to market and recruit others.

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Six Figure Mentors Hidden Costs

If you’ve never heard of Six Figure Mentors, you’re probably wondering what the company is all about and if it’s a scam. However, this program has hidden costs, and the first one is the $97 monthly fee. There’s also a $75 monthly fee for the tools. The other cost is the initial sign-up fee.

You need to know about Six Figure Mentors because its pricing is quite shady. It’s hidden deep in the sales process, and you have to buy their expensive products to get started. If you don’t, you’ll receive generic information and a phone consultation with a consultant, which will only cost you even more money.

Also, the course requires a start-up budget. The team behind the program doesn’t share the details, so you can’t decide without reading the fine print. If you’re clamoring for a long-term income source, you should look elsewhere. 

The program requires a start-up budget that you’re not expected to have. There’s no disclosure on this, so you’ll have to spend thousands on Facebook ads and other online advertising to make any money. It’s best to learn as much about it as you can before buying it.

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The affiliate fees are higher than the membership fee. You’ll need to purchase high-end products. Many people have already paid for the program and are very happy with the results. Nonetheless, it’s worth it to avoid any pitfalls in the course.

The Six Figure Mentors’ basic membership is fundamental. It doesn’t allow you to access most of the advanced training materials. You must upgrade to the paid version to access them. Then, you can market and recruit other people to join the program. You’ll then need to pay for more advanced training.


  • It targets individual users rather than companies.
  • You can earn commissions for the sales you make through the affiliate link you create.


  • You’ll have to recruit new members yourself, which may be difficult, especially if you have no experience in the field.
  • It is a pyramid scheme. You will be under pressure to promote their products and services, but the program does not offer you your own business.
  • The program is marketed heavily.

Who Should Join Six Figure Mentors?

Definitely Not Newbies!

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The training program is for you if you have a website and want to make money online. It has an online training system with many valuable tools and resources to help you become a successful internet marketer.

There are diverse ways to get started with Six Figure Mentors. First, you can always join their free membership program. The videos available on the website are long sales pitches that entice you to join their affiliate program.

Once you’ve joined, you’ll be assigned a personal coach, who will try to sell you on expensive memberships.

Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek are both well-known in the affiliate marketing industry. Their expertise is invaluable when turning a laptop into a lifestyle.

Both founders have a proven track record and a reputation for helping members build their online businesses. They have proven time again that this program is the best place to learn how to make money from home.

What Will You Learn from Six Figure Mentors?

Six Figure Mentors is a membership program that gives you access to everything you need to know to become a successful affiliate marketer. While the membership is free, you will have to upgrade your membership several times to unlock the advanced training materials.

Enroll in their basic membership, providing a video library and resources covering a single topic.

The first thing you’ll notice is the price. The Elite membership is $2500, but you’ll get access to a mastermind group, which will give you more contact with other successful entrepreneurs. You’ll also receive access to a mastermind group, where you’ll receive more support and encouragement from other members.

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It’s an incredible deal if you want to start an internet marketing business as quickly as possible, but a very expensive one if you are just starting out.

The pricing isn’t cheap, but the quality of the training is worth the price. The mentors are well worth the money. While you’ll get some general information, you’ll find your niche and learn to use various marketing platforms.

There’s also a mastermind group, which will allow you to connect with other members of the Elite community.

Six Figure Mentors’ creators, Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek, are well known in the affiliate marketing industry. They were involved in the infamous YourNetBiz scheme, which recruited new members by offering them an expensive membership.

You’ll learn from these two men’s first-hand experiences. They have built a program that’s worth checking out.

My Wrap Up – Six Figure Mentors

The Six-Figure Mentors website has a wealth of information and videos. While it may not make you a successful affiliate marketer, it will teach you networking skills and how you can set up your mastermind group.

Six Figure Mentors is one of the most popular membership programs online. The video sales page of the site will give you the impression that the product is an excellent investment for your money. The videos are geared towards a specific niche.

This is definitely not priced for beginners, and will take a fairly hefty investment on your part before you start to see any results.

If the Six Figure Mentors isn’t what you are looking for then you should look at another free starter option in Wealthy Affiliate.

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Stay tuned for more Work from Home Business ideas.

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CEO and Founder of The Retired Affiliates


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