The Retired Affiliate

ClickMagick Review – The Best Link Tracking Tool?

Mark Apletree

88 / 100

If you’re in the market for a link tracking tool, you’ve probably heard about ClickMagick. But what is this tool, and how does it work? You’ll discover why you should consider this tool over other options. In addition, I’ll also discuss how A/B split testing can benefit your business.

Among the many features of this cloud-based tool, unique clicks and total clicks are its primary purposes. The link rotator, which distributes traffic evenly across multiple URLs, is a great feature, especially for affiliate marketers who want to test their links before deploying them on their website. You can configure the rotator to send clicks to multiple URLs and landing pages.

There are other options in ClickMagick, such as link testing and analyzing. This tool is best for optimizing sales funnels, landing pages, and email marketing campaigns.

You can track traffic quality and conversion rates and analyze each link to determine which one converts better.

Its free trial is 14 days long, which means you can try it out before paying. The best part is that it comes with a 24/7 customer support team.

The ClickMagick review is comprehensive and unbiased. ClickMagick is a link tracking tool that lets you track all external clicks and convert them into sales. Its advanced tracking features also include split testing and cross-device tracking.

In addition, ClickMagick offers real-time analytics to see which ads drive traffic to your website. It’s a must-have for online marketers, so check out the free trial to try it out yourself!

What Is ClickMagick?

ClickMagick website homepage.

ClickMagick is a marketing automation tool that allows marketers to track the performance of their campaigns and sites.

The software helps you track every click to focus on other aspects of your business. It also integrates with other platforms to get reports in one place. The best part about ClickMagick is that it allows you to test different ads and landing pages.

It is compatible with all the leading shopping carts and works on all websites. It helps you review visitor data easily and even retarget visitors.

It also integrates with Google Analytics and Facebook, making it easier to build mailing lists and create awareness about the latest collection.

ClickMagick allows you to track which of your links generates the most traffic and leads. Therefore, you can make better marketing decisions. However, it can be time-consuming to install on your website.

ClickMagick Features

ClickMagick Help & Support
ClickMagick Support

If you have issues while using the product, the support team at ClickMagick is very responsive and helpful. They answer support tickets within minutes, which is pretty fast considering they have hundreds of thousands of users.

You can also contact the official support page for additional information. ClickMagick help center is available on its official website.

It has tutorials to get you started quickly, but you can contact the support team if you have any issues or questions. They usually respond within two minutes.

The features that ClickMagick has to offer are impressive. It can detect bot traffic, which is a great tool for increasing conversion rates.

This software also comes with popups, countdown timers, and top/bottom promo bars, which create an element of scarcity and increase conversion rates. They’re easy to integrate and are an excellent way to increase your page’s performance. You can also embed an HTML code from your email provider to embed your notification bar.

A/B Split Testing

When performing split testing, it is important to have enough data to conclude. In most cases, mosts people don’t optimize their split tests and use the first one that works.

With ClickMagick, however, you can set the goals of the split test, and the software will use its proprietary algorithms to select the winner.

Using the tool before you decide on a specific design and content is a good idea, as it will save you work hours.

The company is well-run, and its support and training are extensive. They offer help buttons on every page and promise to answer your questions within an hour.

The price varies depending on the plan that you choose. You can reach out to them directly through their website if you need any help.

For instance, you might be interested in finding out whether the color of your CTA button affects the number of conversions on a landing page.

A study on a different color variant led to a higher conversion rate on the same page. The key is to identify the problem and propose a logical solution.

Your chosen variation will influence your conversion rate, and the results should be statistically significant.

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Using Multi-Mode Rotators
ClickMagick Rotators explained

Using the ClickMagick rotator feature is a great way to test various adverts and control the traffic distribution. ClickMagick has four modes of rotator URLs.

Fulfillment mode will send all traffic to one URL, including repeat clicks from the same user. Sequential mode creates a scenario where a user clicks on one link, then another, which will rotate traffic sequentially.

Using ClickMagick is easy, and its Rotator feature makes it a breeze. You can quickly test the effectiveness of your ads and make changes if necessary.

 eCommerce site owners can use ClickMagick to boost sales and gauge the effectiveness of their ads. The ClickMagick rotator is not for complete beginners, however. You will need to understand numerous marketing tactics to use them effectively.

You can create a popup with any link on your website. ClickMagick includes a visual editor where you can place code to display your popup.

You can also use a timer, which is a great way to gauge the quality of your traffic. With a score of 85 and above, you know your visitors are getting high-quality traffic.

You can measure the quality of your traffic with the ClickMagick tool, which offers a variety of metrics.

Tracking Data on Third-Party Websites

If you are interested in tracking data on third-party websites, ClickMagick can help you achieve that goal. You can buy the service on a monthly or yearly subscription basis.

The service charges your credit card or other payment methods automatically each month or year unless you have canceled before the end of that period.

ClickMagick is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from a user’s failure to comply with this Agreement.

To use the service, you must know the site’s technical details. There are different types of websites, such as ads, social, and content.

Using ClickMagick, you can easily track the traffic from third-party websites and their conversion rate. ClickMagick’s advanced features include blocking bad clicks and detecting fraudulent clicks.

Its interface is user-friendly, and the company has plenty of tutorials, videos, and guides to help you get started.

The ClickMagick link setup process is very easy and quick. Go to the “Links” tab and create a new link. Fill in some basic details, including the “primary URL,” which is the page visitors will visit after clicking your tracking link.

ClickMagick will generate the rest of the details automatically. Once you have all the details filled in, click “Add Link.”

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Organic Tracking

The ClickMagick organic tracking tool simplifies tracking links for your website. It allows you to track the entire flow of your clicks, from third-party sites to affiliate links.

You can even password-protect your links, preventing them from being displayed to users until they have entered a password.

ClickMagick helps track your visitor activity, including how many times they visited your site and where they came from.

If you’re new to tracking website visitors, you may not know how to set up ClickMagick. However, seasoned marketers can use it without a problem. All you need is some knowledge of website design, and you’ll be up and running in no time.

Click on the “Get started” button at the bottom of every page. Then, follow the instructions on the screen to import your data.

If you’re unsure how to set up ClickMagick, you can find more information on their website by clicking on the help tab. This feature includes a help button, tracking guides, and instructional videos that guide you through the software.

You can track the your website’s performance with the help of the ClickMagick affiliate scheme, which claims to have disbursed hundreds of thousands of dollars to affiliates since 2014.

Built-In Tools

Several Built-In Tools in ClickMagick allow you to track your ad campaign links. You can choose from 4 different modes to track your incoming traffic.

Fulfillment mode is useful for directing all of your incoming traffic to one URL. It will then redirect incoming traffic to the next active URL once the number of unique clicks is reached.

Random mode distributes incoming clicks randomly among all of the active URLs. Spillover mode sends incoming traffic to all active URLs sequentially.

Split testing and segmentation are two of the built-in tools in ClickMagick. This tool can analyze ongoing website traffic to better understand what consumers want. It can even embed promotional codes on your website.

You can even embed dynamic codes on any website. It is an excellent way to measure conversion rates and see which campaigns work best.

While there are some limitations of ClickMagick, the price of this powerful tool is far cheaper than other click tracking software.

With ClickMagick, you can easily monitor and analyze your visitors’ activities. The tracking links are the bread and butter of ClickMagick.

These links allow you to track your visitors’ location and devices. Then you can use this data to improve your marketing efforts.

Measuring the Traffic Quality

Measuring The Traffic’s Quality can be very helpful if you are unsure which traffic sources to use for your campaigns. You should know that fake traffic can negatively impact your ROI, split tests, and website statistics.

This feature helps you identify bot clicks and determine the effectiveness of your projects. ClickMagick has this ability built right in.

The first thing you’ll notice about ClickMagick is its intuitive user interface. Most people can get started within minutes.

It’s most commonly used for traffic exchange companies, solo ads, affiliate CPA offers, and ad co-ops.

ClickMagick can measure and track conversion rates, unique clicks, and overall quality of traffic. It can also flag bots and identify their IP addresses.

ClickMagick Bot Filter for Getting Rid of Bad Traffic

You need to use a bot filter on your analytics platform to avoid losing your precious traffic. The bot is an automated program that can be innocent or malicious, but both create problems with your stats.

A bot filter on ClickMagick will automatically flag any clicks that appear to be from a bot. Bots are usually anonymous and don’t represent real clicks from human users.

The best way to filter out bots is to use the ClickMagick bot filter. This tool is ideal for any marketing campaign. It will allow you to analyze links, track performance, and test offers.

You can even use it to test page designs and price points. It is easy to use and so effective that it can improve your campaigns without much effort. This tool will let you improve your marketing campaigns.

Link Uptime Monitor for Total Peace of the Mind

The ClickMagick Link Uptime Monitor will help you avoid wasting money on broken links. It will notify you when your link goes down for more than 10 minutes.

With this feature, you can avoid losing thousands of dollars if your website is down for long periods. This tool will help you check how many visitors have clicked on your links and which ones are not.

Besides its link uptime monitoring capabilities, ClickMagick is also a powerful link management tool, especially for traffic sellers.

It tracks every visit and conversion, controls traffic flow, and blocks bots and VPN users. You can also control the quality of your traffic with this tool and limit how much traffic each visitor can send to your website.

If you want to track data with precision, you should use CAKE. The program is designed to track ad performance using click tracking parameters called sub-IDs. With CAKE, you can track the performance of your affiliate partners.

The results of their campaigns can help you reward them for improving your campaign’s performance. This will ultimately boost your profits.

If you want to track data with precision, you should use CAKE. The program is designed to track ad performance using click tracking parameters called sub-IDs. With CAKE, you can track the performance of your affiliate partners.

The results of their campaigns can help you reward them for improving your campaign’s performance. This will ultimately boost your profits.

This tool features a banner bar and popup window to track visitor activity. It also has advanced tracking features, such as automatic bot filtering and geo-targeting.

Text/Email Notifications for Updates in Real Time

SMS can be a great way to reach and send alerts to customers. Use SMS to inform your customers about security-related actions, public safety announcements, or relevant neighborhood updates.

Customers expect to get these updates on their phones, and an SMS API makes it easy to send repeat updates. You can configure the alert dollar amounts and types to receive notifications in various ways.

Note that SMS notifications do not trigger if you make a credit card payment, as these payments are not processed in real-time in online banking.

ClickMagick Pricing

ClickMagick has 3 main pricing plans, which all differ by features according to costs. The Starter Plan goes for $37/mo, the Standard plan for $77/mo, and the PRO plan for $199/mo.

Each of all the plans comes with a free 14-day trial where you can check out everything within this software – before billing.


If you want to track data with precision, you should use CAKE. The program is designed to track ad performance using click tracking parameters called sub-IDs. With CAKE, you can track the performance of your affiliate partners.

The results of their campaigns can help you reward them for improving your campaign’s performance. This will ultimately boost your profits.

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