The Retired Affiliate

What is Wealthy Affiliate About? Here’s My 2022 Review!

Mark Apletree

92 / 100

What is Wealthy Affiliate About?

Chances are if you have landed here their is a good chance that you have already heard of Wealthy Affiliate and are now looking for more information on if this is for you before making that decision.

What I am going to do here is give you the most in depth review on What Wealthy Affiliate is about, and highlight how and why this could be the perfect online, work from home, anytime you want business, and how it could benefit you.

Firstly, let me explain what Wealthy Affiliate is and who it is best suited for.

Wealthy Affiliate – Turning Beginners into Winners!

By being a dedicated platform for affiliate marketers and helping online entrepreneurs create successful online businesses is how Wealthy Affiliate turns beginners into winners!

The Best Affiliate Training

You will get access to some of the best training on the net, have access to all the tools and services you will need to succeed, along with incredible support from industry experts within the Wealthy Affiliate community.

our top pick as the number 1 Affiliate Marketing Community.
free wealthy affiliate start up membership

Are you a complete beginner? are you fed up with all of the get-rich-quick scams? why not take wealthy affiliates for a test drive today! wealthy affiliate is the simplest fail proof way to start your money making website!

Have you struggled to build an online business previously? Have you been ripped off or scammed in the past? Are you still struggling to see the full picture? The Retired Affiliates and Wealthy Affiliates will clear all those concerns and more.

I am going to show you how you can easily take any niche/idea/passion/product and build a very successful online business with absolutely no previous experience and no technical skills, both of which I had when I first started!

In today’s world, we are living in a world where if you have an internet connection and a laptop you can easily build a successful online business, and the best part is you can do this FREE with Wealthy Affiliate.

The diagram below outlines the process that will be taught for free at Wealthy Affiliate

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The process I have outlined above has been a model that has been used since the early 2000’s and has built many very successful businesses online and now in 2021 those same principles haven’t changed and I don’t think they ever will.

As we move on with this review I am going to take you through the four steps in more detail to give you a lot better understanding of how it all works and what you will be doing.

However, if you want more information regarding what Wealthy Affiliate is all about and the process which I have used to become successful you can get these details here at The Retired Affiliates

So, as I promised let’s take a look at those 4-steps in more detail shall we?

Step 1: Choose an Interest/Niche

You may be thinking what is a niche?

A niche is the type of business you want to get into and can be anything you have a passion for or have a vast knowledge about as you will be creating lots of content so it will be easier if you know lots about that subject.

For example, I am a dog lover (that’s actually an understatement, I am obsessed LOL) so I have created a niche website about dogs, called Our Dogs World 101

Let’s say you loved everything about remote-controlled cars then you could make your niche about that. Chances are if you loved Scuba Diving that could also be a niche you could get into.

As you can see your niche should be about something you really have an interest in.

While I recommend that you build your website around a niche you have knowledge about, or a passion for it really is up to you.

I have built numerous successful sites that I had no previous knowledge of, however, if you are only just starting your online journey I highly recommend starting with something you know about.

related article at theRetiredAffiliates.Com
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Not afraid of a little hard work? have a driving passion to be your own boss? would love to earn a job retiring income in the next 6 – 12 months?. then you need to read unleashed to see how i can get you there!


There truly are so many different directions you can take with an online business!

The next step we will look at will be the website build and for this example, I am going to use my dog niche. This is what my website would be focused on.

Wealthy Affiliate provides free training on finding your niche and will also give you assistance in picking a niche and some great tips, tricks, and techniques to come up with your own niche ideas.

See how you can do this for free below.

WA Affiliate Bootcamp

Step 2: Building Your Website

OK, so you have now chosen your niche. What next?

You will now be building your website which will be the foundations to your new business venture.

This is the stage where a lot of people think, YEEEEK!! I have no technical skills, how am I going to build a website.

related article at theRetiredAffiliates.Com

Check a recent 3 minute video on building your free website with wealthy affiliate.

That is one of the greatest things about Wealthy Affiliate, they will give you a fully functioning LIVE website for free, all done in 30 seconds! and if you think I’m kidding try for yourself and you will see I tell no lies.

Chances are if you have ever built a house you would know that without its foundations it would not last very long.

Well guess what? Building your online business is no different.

Everything from content, traffic, rankings, and revenue is all generated as a result of your foundations and those foundations are your website.

In this case I would be building out a website about dogs. My sole goal will be to help people and inform them about dog products and give my opinions and recommendations regarding all aspects of this chosen niche.

And as I said before you don’t have to be an expert or an authority. I have a successful golf niche and I have never played a game of golf in my life. But for the last 2 years as I built out my website and researched golf a lot I slowly became an expert.

One of the best examples of this would have to be Elon Musk.

He wasn’t a “spaceship” expert, he did that through research and effort! much the same as you will by putting in the effort within your chosen niche.

Wealthy Affiliate gives all Free Starter Members one WordPress Website and as a Premium Member you can host up to 10 websites on your own domains. Your domains are your.coms.

Step 3: Getting Your Traffic

An online business isn’t a business without traffic (visitors) and traffic is the only way to build a successful online business.

Traffic At Dusk

In short, traffic is people who are going to buy the products you are selling or take an action that will eventually lead to revenue for you. This principle applies to both online and offline businesses.

Just imagine setting up a pizza shop in the middle of the dessert. You are not going to sell many pizzas to Camels and the odd reptile, plus they have no money!

Now, imagine that same pizza shop out the front of one of the hippest nightclubs! I know how hungry I get after a night on the sherbet.

Well, that same logic applies to selling online.

Chances are if you don’t have visitors to your website then you are no different from the pizza shop in the middle of the dessert. You have no one to sell to!

The two BIGGEST traffic driving sources behind getting traffic online are Search Engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo and social networks like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

You need to understand how to leverage these platforms to get traffic to your website.

After you do that the sky is the limit to your earning potential.

Build Your Own Traffic

Step 4: Making the Moolah (Money)

Now to the best part!

How the hell do you make money?

So, if you have followed me up to here you now have your niche, your website, and your traffic sources but nothing to sell to anyone, right?

Wrong! Did you know that there are well over 500,000,000 products that you can sell and promote as an Affiliate Marketer online, and yes you read that correctly, that is A MILLION!

Work With Mark
5 ways to make money online - mark - The Retired Affiliate

after doing Affiliate Marketing for sometime i have learned that online success does not come cheaply, easily or fast! It comes from consistent effort, day in day out, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort.

If you join with The Retired Affiliates here at Wealthy Affiliate you don’t need to carry any stock or products meaning absolutely ZERO cash outlay.

All you need to do as an Affiliate Marketer is just link to the companies that you decide to partner with and they will provide you with your very own personal Affiliate link and in return, they will give you a % from every sale you make.

For example, on my sites, I have commissions ranging from a few dollars up to $1,000’s dollars for every sale I make.

In my dog niche, there are over 400,000 products I can promote on just Amazon alone that I can promote and earn commissions from.

On Chewy, another dog affiliate program there are another 200,000 products I can choose from.

And Those are just two examples in the dog niche from which I earn between 6% and 45% revenue.

This is just one way to earn money from your website once you start building your traffic.

There is also email marketing, selling your own products and services, or selling your website traffic to others all of which Wealthy Affiliate teaches you in both the Starter and the Premium memberships.

As a Wealthy Affiliate member, you get access to a platform where you can search for affiliate programs within your niche.

I simply typed in dogs in the example below and this is just a snippet of what I got.

Affiliate Search Program

This one affiliate program returned over 30 different programs and thousands of products I can promote within the dog niche.

This one tool that Wealthy Affiliate offers to all Starter and Premium members can literally save you hours and hours of research, and the best part is you know that Wealthy Affiliate only sources the best partnerships.

While on the subject of Wealthy Affiliate, did you know it has one of the most lucrative affiliate programs online, and not only that you will get to work with some of the most successful affiliate marketers in the world.

OK, now let’s have a look at my 5 reasons why I think you should choose to partner with Wealthy Affiliate to start your online business TODAY, or perhaps you are looking to build on your current skills and take them to the next level!

1. Easily the Most Cost Saving Way to Build Any Business Online

The title says it all, Easily the Most Cost-Saving Way to Build Any Business Online and is one of the most important things to remember when starting any type of business.

So, with that In mind did I mention you can start this business with a fully functioning website for FREE?

After you have your feet wet and decide to step it up a level, there is then the Premium Membership which from my experience as a Wealthy Affiliate member reckon that is where the most value is for taking your business forward.

Once a Premium member, you have all you need to build your online empire under one roof.

At just $49 per month ($19 for your 1st month) that works out at a little over $1.00 per day, less than a cup of coffee.

Chances are if you take out a yearly subscription you will save again, paying just $495 for the year.

If you search what other programs are charging which can be upwards of $3000 (Yes there are affiliate marketing training schools online charging this) and offer half of what Wealthy Affiliate have you will start to see why I think that WA is awesome value for money.

That price is inclusive of everything you need to create your website and grow and scale your online business to whatever level you want to take it to.

I forgot to mention, in that yearly subscription you get a few really great little perks added in which include 1 FREE Domain and something they call WA Community Cash which you can use inside Wealthy Affiliate for some of the many other services they offer.

Some great tools and features you can expect to have at your fingertips are:

  • The Online Entrepeneur Certification Training – 5 Courses with 50 lessons starting with the Getting Started Course through to Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation.
  • Affiliate Bootcamp – The Affiliate Bootcamp has 7 phases (70 Lessons) that will walk you through the entire process of creating your own business in a niche related to promoting Wealthy Affiliate.
  • My Training Activity – All your training progress is kept here so as you can easily find any lesson you have completed if you need to revisit something you learned previously.
  • Training HQ – Without a doubt the best Affiliate Training resource available today (and I have trialed many!) where you can search other training modules on Pay Per Click Marketing to Website Development and Programming and anything else you can think of in between, all developed by Top Selling Wealthy Affiliate Members who are some of the best Affiliate Marketers in the world!
  • Upcoming Classes – These are all created by successful members for your learning and at the time of writing this their are over 600 new training classes to watch in November.
  • Jaaxy Research Tool – I won’t say too much about this added tool as I have written a detailed article on all the benefits and features which you can Access Here. It is basically one of the best keyword search tools on the market and you get it with your Premium Membership for free.
  • Affiliate Program Search – No matter what Niche you are looking to get into, this tool will find you heaps of Affiliate Programs to promote with literally 1000’s of products to promote. No need to Google Search Affiliate Programs, as Wealthy Affiliate has done all the searching for you to bring you the best ones out their!
  • New Question Tool – Not sure of something! Simply use this tool to ask a question to what ever it is you are stuck with and 1 of the 2.4 MILLION (Actually you will get a lot more than 1) members will have the answer to you quicker than you can say Roast Dinner Sundays!
  • A Community That Wants to See You Succeed – Every member at Wealthy Affiliate helps each other through blogs, training lessons, training videos, an in-house chat forum (Super Friendly place) or through a direct message to give you every chance of succeeding in this business.

This is just a small fraction of what is inside Wealthy Affiliate as It would take me forever to go through all the great tools and features it has to offer.


2. Wealthy Affiliate Gives 24/7/365 Days a Year Support

One of the best things about Wealthy Affiliate is its community and that community is full of industry experts and all live by the WA motto of “Pay it Forward” and by that I mean knowledge sharing.

I have at times had certain issues with my website or hosting platform (Extremely Rare) and being in Australia have contacted them during my normal working hours (Initially not knowing the time difference in the U.S) and the admins and tech geniuses are straight onto your issues regardless if it 3 am in their part of the world. They Really do Rock!

With an ever-growing community of over 2 million members, you will find help somewhere from someone 24/7/365 days of the year.

how to make money online – the process explained

This Video training has one simple goal… to help yOU understand the process of making money online, and its simpler than you think!

If it’s not admin support or a Tech genius you are after we also have a Live Chat area within your WA dashboard where you can chat and ask questions any time of the day or night, trust me there is always someone online who will have the answers for you and you can expect to get that help within seconds.

And you can always fall back on the New Question Tool that I mentioned previously which throws our question out to the ENTIRE Wealthy Affiliate community, where you will be guaranteed to get a huge array of different answers and insights. This platform is awesome to get help from on any topic related to your business.

3. How Would You Like Direct Access to the Founders Kyle and Carson?

No, that’s not a typo mistake!

Where else can you find a platform where you can get direct access to the founders?

Here at Wealthy Affiliate, you will be able to directly communicate with both Kyle and Carson who are both regularly on the live daily chat, or you can direct message them and they will always get straight back to you.

They are both very hands-on and active within the community either interacting on live chat, getting involved n the group threads, posting really helpful blogs, and everything else in between.

4. Did I Mention the Experts Giving Live Classes Weekly?

Yes, you heard that right.

As a Premium member, every Friday one of the top affiliate marketers runs a live interactive class where you can chat and ask questions on that topic.

And even if you miss the live class it is always loaded straight onto your dashboard to watch when you get time.

Have a look below at a few of the recent classes held by our Affiliate Gurus.

Take special note of the bottom one… As I said before Kyle is very active within the community and is always running his own Live and Interactive classes. What more help could you need!

Screenshot of Wealthy Affiliate Class Timetable

Of all the 1000’s of classes, there are, as a Premium member you get live interactive access to probably the best Affiliate Marketer and trainer on the planet, and I am talking about no other than Jay from Magistudios.

His live classes are fun, interactive, and cover just about everything to ensure you are getting the best training for you to succeed and will take you from beginner to expert in no time.

Jay has put together over 500 classes for Premium members and you will get direct access to those classes when you become Premium.

Magistudios Bio

The Free Starter Membership

I know, you’re thinking what’s the catch? Nothing is free in the world these days!

Well, I am here to tell you that you can start at WA on their FREE starter membership with absolutely no requirement or obligation to upgrade.

WA is so confident in their business model that they let you use it for free until you are happy with everything they have to offer, and offering this makes sure they are the only service that offer all they have for $0

# Note: You can stay a starter member for as long as you want, in fact, you may stay as a starter member forever!

Think about this for a minute… Would you go into a car yard and buy a car without test-driving it for free first?

What if the car-yard told you that you would have to pay for the new car first before you test drove it, and also that they would be keeping your money if you didn’t like it… (That actually sounds like a lot of training programs I know of on the Internet at the moment!)

I’m guessing you would tell them to stick their head where the sun doesn’t shine.

That’s the beauty of joining Wealthy Affiliate they want you to be able to test drive their service for as long as you want before committing to buy their service.

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Why not Blog At Wealthy Affiliate for Just $19 Per Month.

try before you buy with the free starter membership! “wealth is the ability to fully experience life”

It really is a Win-Win situation for everyone wouldn’t you agree?

So, what are you waiting for?

Hit the button below and I will see you on the inside where I will personally help you in becoming a successful work from home, in my own hours, Affiliate Marketer!

What I would like you to do today is to give this a try and be the judge.

As soon as you start your FREE starter membership you will have direct access to me and I will be personally helping you all the way, and yes that’s even if you decide to say on the free starter package.

What is Wealthy Affiliate About? – This Could be A Life Changing Decision.

Chances are if you have always wanted to find a business where you could work from home then I know you have already been searching online.

You would have come across some great salespeople telling you how they earned $200,000 last month, or they are offering their training through a video inside of their mansion, surrounded by Ferraris and Maseratis, telling you that this is what you get if you follow their $1000 dollar training.

I want to tell you right now, that’s not who I am or how my parents raised me.

What I will ask you to do if you have gotten this far, is think about everything I have told you here and make your mind up on how you feel.

Chances are if you feel Wealthy Affiliate is the right fit for you and teaming up with the Retired Affiliates feels right then why not give it a try.

In all honesty, I want you to start off with the free membership, this way I won’t feel like that car yard I mentioned before.

Starting off for free will give you a chance to see what the WA platform has to offer, and again I will be helping you every step of the way.

I really hope to see you inside and help you get your business up and making you money.

If after all this you are still not sure or have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate or internet marketing in general leave them in the comments section below and myself or one of the team will be happy to answer them for you.

Again I really am looking forward to helping you become the work-from-home business owner you have always dreamed of being, but just wasn’t sure where to start.

Any/all links on this site may be affiliate links, and if you make a purchase through one of them, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Read the full affiliate disclosure here.

21 responses to “What is Wealthy Affiliate About? Here’s My 2022 Review!”

  1. Wealthy affiliate changed my life for the better. I now have a source of income because of wealthy affiliate. I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for ways to make money from home to join, you will not be sorry. Well-written article. Thank you for this. I will be sure to share it around

  2. A great way to start when getting into affiliate marketing. Wealthy affiliate has everything you got to get you being an affiliate marketer. I’ve been with wealthy affiliate for 4 months now and my site is showing promise results, I didn’t even know anything about this until they started to explain what it is. Now I understand what affiliate marketing is and what I need to do for my website to grow bigger. The training has shown step by step on how to do stuff and will guide your way to be an affiliate. 

  3. Greetings, Wealthy affiliate is indeed one of the best platforms out there, it offers so many nice benefits and it is also a community that helps, and you also learn from the experts while you earn. It is indeed great and would recommend it for anyone at all. It’s one of the best our there

  4. Thank you for the detailed write up on this platform that I have enjoyed using over the past year.  Although i have been a customer reviewing this article has brought to light a few features that I didn’t know about and have not been utilizing. One of the best features that I maybe should not mention in the comments but I will.  Many of the comments here come from other Wealthy Affiliate members that exchange our time to carefully read posts from other members and provide meaningful comments on their websites. This comment exchange system is super powerful and I have not seen anything like it on any other platform.  In fact I have had sites set up and hosted on other platforms, that I have moved to WA just too take advantage of this powerful tool.  Keep up the good work, and thank you for the information.  

  5. This is a great review of a great platform.  You’ve certain done a great job of breaking down many steps (and incredible ease) of setting up a buisness online.  I love the fact you can join for free and see if you like doing this before shelling out any money. I don’t know that I have ever seen that before.  Thank you for posting!

  6. I like the layout and how clear and concise this is. It’s easy to navigate and find what I have questions about.

    Wealthy Affiliate is truly a great place for others to start out, even beginners, as it breaks everything down for them to understand.

    I also truly appreciate the fact that you broke it down by sections and made it easy to understand with your wording.

    Affiliate marketing may seem daunting, but with WA and what you’ve described, I feel that it’s a game changer for the online entrepreneur.

  7. It was great to read about all the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate again after being part of this community for over 2 years. It’s all true, the training, the support, and the community. I started for free, built my first free website, and upgraded to learn even more. I never felt lost or unsupported which was very different from many courses that I’ve done. Everyone should experience this great company created by Kyle and Carson and start reaching for their dreams.

  8. The catchy title of The Retired Affiliates really sticks out and customers will want to find out more. I like how you incorporated Wealthy Affiliate into your blog. There is a lot of useful information for customers to find out and it is very informative. It is also great that there is a table of contents because it is a long Blog and visitors can use the table of contents to navigate around your blog. I am a great fan of Wealthy Affiliate and have learned too much since I Joined. I still have to learn a lot and my blogs are not as nice as yours. But practice makes perfect.


  9. Awesome breakdown of the best affiliate marketing platform for both training and tools out there!

    I struggled with building my own websites and scouring the internet for affiliate marketing tips until my fingers were blue I think. I found wealthy affiliate while reading a review similar to this one, and I haven’t looked back for a second. I actually just upgraded to the top tier within the platform so I could gain access to insights from some of the best affiliate marketers out there! Truly a no-brainer if you want to get started fast, and effectively. 

  10. This is an excellent and thorough review of Wealthy Affiliate. I am also a proud member and have no technical background. I was able to create my website quickly, which meant I could focus on creating content and matching my content up with certain affiliate programs. I highly encourage anyone who has a passion for a specific niche to share their knowledge with others via a website. Making money from ads and affiliate products is a nice bonus!

  11. Hi Mark,
    This is a great review. I have been with WA now for 12 months and am now consistently making a monthly income that will only rise from here.
    I was just reading a very negative review from a guy called Neil Doherty. I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, but after reading it you can tell the research has not been thorough as it does not mention the updated training or those who make money outside the MMO platform ( Same as where I am making mine). And funnily enough, his recommendation is with a company that does not have a free introductory offer and they are expensive. Also, they offer an Affiliate program and I can guess who would be promoting it.
    Again, nothing wrong with that but it just seems like the pot calling the kettle black. So it is great to see a factual report of what is happening in WA.
    Keep up the great work.
    Stephen (Zoopie )

    • Hey Zoopie,

      Yes a very disgruntled man is Neil Doherty. Jay actually has had some great debates with this bloke, and like you said Neil definitely is not up with the times when it come to what Wealthy Affiliate can do for budding entrepreneurs!

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The Retired Affiliates

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