The Retired Affiliate

2022 WP Rocket Review – Breaking Speed Records!

Mark Apletree

93 / 100

The WP Rocket software is easy to use and has an excellent interface. There are some great features, like the ability to disable caching for particular browsers. In addition, WP Rocket offers custom cache lifespans so you can decide how long your pages should stay cached. It is unique because it targets specific problems more effectively than its competitors.

WP Rocket - WordPress Caching Plugin

WP Rocket caches query strings, making it easier for visitors to load pages and images. It can also cache unique tracking IDs, which means that Facebook users won’t create a new cache for an existing page. This makes it easy for even the newest websites to have a high-performance website. It also caches pages and optimizes them for speed, ensuring your site will load fast.

It is essential to have a fast-loading website, and this is one of the best ways to achieve it. WP Rocket makes it easy for beginners to get a high-performing website quickly.

WP Rocket Intro

According to recent research, over half of the website visitors will leave a page if it takes more than three seconds to load. This isn’t good for the visitors, and it’s also a huge factor in search engine rankings.

Using WP Rocket I have my page load time below 3 seconds - something visitors and search engines love!

Page Speed load time 25s in green using WP Rocket

Eventually, your site will rank lower in search results and get fewer visitors. It’ll also generate fewer sales if you’re in e-commerce. With WP Rocket, you can make your website load faster and attract more traffic.

One of the best things about WP Rocket is that it offers support. Customers rated its customer support as great or excellent, which is impressive considering that many people are hesitant to try caching plugins.

WP Rocket has extensive support and a large community of users eager to help. This is important because some plugins may be cumbersome or difficult to use, but there are a few things you can do to optimize the performance of your website.

Join the community of Rocketeers with WP Rocket

WP Rocket isn’t free, but it comes with an extensive help guide. It includes step-by-step instructions for the process of using the plugin.

However, it’s free to install. Simply download the free trial and see how easy it is to use! While there is no guarantee, it’s worth a shot. Once you’ve downloaded the plugin, you can make the most of it.

Is WP Rocket Any Good?

Several people have questioned the effectiveness of WP Rocket. This plugin helps your website load faster and has several features that make it an excellent choice for speedy WordPress sites.

the screenshot below is of my wP rocket dashboard. it gives me all the information i need to have my website running at the highest optimization level possible - all at a simple glance.

WP Rocket Dashboard showing analytics for a website

First, it enables you to optimize images and videos. If your site contains YouTube embeds, WP Rocket will replace them with a static image thumbnail until your visitor clicks the video embed.

Second, it enables you to preload pages into the cache so that every visitor will see a cached page. And finally, it has two advanced caching methods that make your pages load quickly for every visitor.

Third, it’s easy to configure the plugin. You can easily modify its settings to suit your website’s needs. It allows you to set custom exclusion rules and disable or enable different features.

here is the file optimization tab, which allows the user to modify settings to get the absolute peak performance from their website. You can turn these features on and off while checking your website in googles incognito search, and test which settings to turn on or off to give you the ultimate optimization.

WP Rocket file optimization page showing settings for CSS files.

For example, you can exclude specific files and settings to make your site load faster. You can also configure it to detect and optimize images, videos, and iframes automatically. WP Rocket can also automatically clean up your database, which speeds up your site.

WP Rocket has some other useful features. It can optimize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This makes your website load faster. You can set the cache lifetime to make your site load faster. In addition, you can exclude checkout pages from their cache.

You can even customize the way WP Rocket works by configuring its cache. You can choose which plugin to install if you’re a WordPress developer.

How Do I Download WP Rocket?

You’ve probably heard of WP Rocket but are unsure how it works. WP Rocket is a performance-boosting plugin for WordPress that makes loading a page much faster.

Simply go to your WordPress back office. Click on Appearance, and then select Plugins. Click on Add New and type WP Rocket in the WordPress Plugin repository. Then, install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site.

Word Press Plugin for WP Rocket

It works by pre-fetching DNS requests in parallel with other activities on the server. That means your website will load faster. It’s essential to disable any caching plugins on your site before setting up WP Rocket.

You can install WP Rocket on one website with the Single Package, which costs $49 for a year of updates. The Plus Package costs $199 for three websites, while the Infinite Plan costs $249 for several websites. This is the best option, but you’ll need to be careful not to change the site’s design or layout while installing WP-ROCK. You can also upgrade to a higher plan by paying the additional fees.

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The WP Rocket dashboard allows you to tweak the settings yourself. It has explanations and hands-on settings, including a mobile caching feature.

It has HTML and CSS file minification. These are a few features of WP Rocket, which you can learn how to use at its website demo. If you’re still dissatisfied with the plugin, use the 14-day money-back guarantee.

Is WP Rocket Safe?

While WP Rocket does help speed up your site, you must be careful when using it. While it can temporarily break your site, it can also improve its performance. These may affect your website’s score. Use it only if you have tested it properly and it doesn’t pose any security risks.

While WP Rocket is free to use, you’ll need to purchase the software separately. However, it offers many features that you can take advantage of, including a mobile-friendly version.

It detects mobile devices and automatically creates cache rules to make your pages load super-fast on mobile devices.

If your site isn’t optimized for mobile devices, it is recommended to disable WP Rocket. This is to avoid any compatibility issues that it could cause.

Using wP rocket on this website has returned me the following test results run through google page speed insights for mobile phone users. you should always run you speed tests for mobiles as this is where over 70% of your website visitors will come from.

Google Speed Insights data showing diagnostic performance issues and a score of 94 for performance.

WP Rocket has one significant advantage over other WordPress plugins: it increases your site’s speed. It allows your browser to cache static resources, which reduces page load time. WP Rocket uses its server-side Varnish cache to boost your site’s speed, unlike other plugins.

It also eliminates PHP processing, resulting in a faster loading time. While these advantages are significant, they can’t make up for the slow performance of your site.

WP Rocket Pricing

WP Rocket Pricing varies greatly depending on how many sites you need the plugin for. You can use a free version for a year and renew the license for another year at a 30% discount.

The unlimited plan is more suitable for large businesses for multiple sites, as it allows you to maintain unlimited websites. You can deactivate auto-renewal in your account section. WP Rocket provides a 14-day money-back guarantee, so you can try the product before purchasing it.

One-year access to the plugin costs just $49, which is comparable to the price of the three most popular competitors.


I am currently using the $99 plan for my 3 websites

There are also promotional offers running throughout the year. These promotions will help you save money and speed up your website. You can access these offers by following their social media accounts.

Why not team WP Rocket and wealthy affiliate for just $19 per month. Try before you buy with the free starter membership! "wealth is the ability to fully experience life"

The cost varies significantly depending on the number of websites you plan to host. The Single Plan comes with updates and support. The Plus Plan costs $199 for a year and includes three sites. For $249, you can use the unlimited plan for as many sites as you need.

Is WP Rocket Worth the Money?

The price of WP Rocket is quite affordable at $49, which makes it an excellent investment. The plugin allows you to cache content to reduce load time and is easy to use. You can install it quickly and do not need to know HTML or PHP to use it.

In addition, it doesn’t generate any errors, and it will also remove the need to maintain several free performance plugins. However, there is one catch: WP Rocket is a premium plugin. If you’re interested in making the most out of the service, you’ll need to purchase a license.

The plugin is available as a free plugin and a premium version. The premium version offers a 30% discount after the first year. This is a massive benefit for WordPress users who need a high-performance cache. It also comes with a one-year support policy.

WP Rocket is also available for the 30-day money-back guarantee. The plugin has an excellent reputation and has been around for over a decade, which means it’s worth its price.

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WP Rocket is available on the website and is worth trying out. It’s an excellent way to see if it’s a good investment. This plugin is also compatible with many other popular WordPress themes. You can find a free trial version on the website.

WP Rocket Free Download

If you want your WordPress website to load faster, you should consider downloading WP Rocket. This plugin reduces your site’s page size by compressing images and videos. This will help your website load faster because it will load less content on your pages.

Once you download WP Rocket, you can easily install it on your WordPress website. This program is easy to install and requires less than five minutes.

WP Rocket is an advanced website optimization tool. You can customize its settings to improve your site’s speed. The program provides a detailed explanation of its functions and advanced options. These features include mobile caching, XML sitemaps, JS minification, database optimization, etc.

You can download the latest version from the official website or go ahead and download the free trial version. After downloading it, you can test it for seven days to see whether it works for your website.

WP Rocket supports different caches and is designed for use on WordPress. This means creating a static HTML page that does not require PHP processing. This allows your website to load faster.

It has many features to choose from. The best part is, it’s free to use and has a 14-day refund policy. It’s well worth downloading and trying out. Then, you’ll see for yourself how much faster your site runs.

WP Rocket Free Alternative

WP Rocket free alternatives include W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, WP Fastest Cache, and many more. The WP Rocket plugin is a powerful cache plugin that optimizes your site and saves bandwidth.

The free version only allows you to pre-load your site’s content, while the premium version has several advanced features. However, this cache plugin is definitely worth your money.

This caching plugin is straightforward to use, and it improves the performance of WordPress sites. Although the premium version is highly recommended, you can first use the free version if you want to test it out.

This caching plugin is compatible with multi-language sites and eCommerce sites. It doesn’t compress images but optimizes them by lazy loading them.

WP Rocket Pros & Cons

  • WP Rocket is another popular performance plugin that enables a website to load faster.
  • It removes unwanted CSS and JavaScript, reduces page size, and delays JavaScript loading.
  • It has some unique features that other WordPress performance plugins don’t.
  • It is free and has a free trial.
  • It is a popular option for speed-sensitive sites.
  • WP Rocket has many unique features, and the free version has most of them.
  • It’s easy to use and intuitive, ideal for beginner-level websites.
  • While WP Rocket can be useful for many websites, it’s best for smaller sites.

WP Rocket Conclusion

You have probably heard about WP Rocket if you are a WordPress user. It is an excellent plugin that helps speed up your site and minimize bounce rates. The plugin also helps you install WordPress faster than ever before by pre-loading the cache whenever it updates.

Minification is a large part of WP Rocket, reducing file size and improving performance. Java files are often huge, and if they don’t load quickly, they may cause formatting issues on your page.

WP Rocket is an excellent plugin for WordPress owners. It comes with a money-back guarantee and gives you two weeks of free use. It has been installed on over 1 million sites and has over 1 million customers.

Moreover, it comes with attractive discounts on license renewals, making it a worthwhile option. It is also easy to upgrade, which gives you more features and flexibility for your website. Nonetheless, WP Rocket does not come without its drawbacks.

WP Rocket is a popular cache plugin for WordPress users. It works by keeping pages already loaded in memory. It also allows your browser to cache static resources. By using the plugin, your site will load faster.

The plugin is also compatible with Gutenberg, which is an excellent platform for improving the speed of your site. WP Rocket can improve your site’s performance while improving its load time. WP Accelerator is an excellent choice for your site if you’re a WordPress user.

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CEO and Founder of The Retired Affiliates

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2 responses to “2022 WP Rocket Review – Breaking Speed Records!”

  1. Thank you for this review. It’s really helpful for us to use WordPress for posting content. WP Rocket is a wonderful alternative if you want to speed up your website. Although there are free WordPress caching plugins available, with something as crucial as caching, you’ll want access to assistance, which is why I recommend installing WP Rocket on your site. WP Rocket is the finest value for money if you’re seeking a reliable and quick way to maintain your website. Too bad there is no free trial or version available, I would’ve loved to do a free trial with that plugin. 🙁 

    • Hi Martina,

      I am glad you found this review useful.

      Since installing WP Rocket onto my websites the difference in speed and performance is incredible!


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Mark CEO & Founder
The Retired Affiliates

WP Rocket - WordPress Caching Plugin

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